At Almasi Skincare we offer excellent wrinkles treatment in Nairobi Kenya. We use a combination of therapies and the best skincare products to help you achieve your goals over several sessions.

What are Wrinkles?
Wrinkles or rhytides are lines, creases, folds and furrows that form on a person’s skin usually on parts that exposd to the sun like the face, neck and hands.
Wrinkles are divided into 2 functional categories – fine surface lines caused by ultraviolet light from the sun and deep furrows cause by muscle contractions during facial expression.
Wrinkles Causes
Wrinkles are caused by intrinsic factors which arise from within a person and extrinsic factors that arise from outside a person.
Intrinsic Causes of Wrinkles
Intrinsic factors which cause wrinkles include genes since these affect the amount of pigmentation in the skin as well as the tendency to develop wrinkles.
The natural aging process is another intrinsic cause of wrinkles. This aging process results in the skin producing 1% less collagen in the skin each year after the age of 20 years. This results in loose, thin skin since collagen is the major structural protein of the skin that is responsible for keeping the skin strong and firm. The aging process also results in reduced elastin production which is responsible for the skin’s elasticity or its ability to stretch. There is also less glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) production as a person ages and this results in drier skin since GAGs keep the skin hydrated. The skin cells also divide more slowly and the oil-producing cells are less efficient.

Extrinsic Causes of Wrinkles
Extrinsic factors which cause wrinkles include exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun regardless of whether it is occupational or recreational. This is due to the face that the UV rays cause free radicals to from in the skin and damaged elastin and collagen causing photoaging.
Smoking is another extrinsic cause of aging since studies have shown that it reduces the production of new collagen. It also damages the existing collagen and elastin. It also increases the number of free radicals in the cells of the body causing premature aging. Smoking also narrows the blood vessels in the skin which reduces its supply of nutrients.
Stress is another extrinsic cause of wrinkles since it results in the production of excess amount of cortisol which is a stress hormone that causes premature aging and wrinkles.
A poor diet that does not contain adequate amounts of oily fish, fresh fruits and vegetables is another extrinsic cause of aging since it does not provide the skin with the nutrients it needs to maintain its health.
Dehydration is another extrinsic cause of wrinkles since it causes the collagen molecules to crack and clump together.
Inadequate sleep is another extrinsic cause of aging since it results in the production of cortisol which is a stress hormone that results in the damage of skin cells.
Environmental pollution is another extrinsic cause of aging since it increases the number of free radicals in the cells of the body causing premature aging.

Wrinkles Symptoms
Symptoms of wrinkles include lines, creases, folds and furrows on a person’s skin. On the face these include:
Forehead lines that run horizontally across the top of the T-zone
Worry lines (frown lines) that create a number “eleven” between the brows
Bunnies that run across the bridge of the nose horizontally between the eyes
Crow’s feet that radiate from the corners of the eyes

Laugh lines or smile lines (nasolabial wrinkles) that create brackets around the upper lip

Lip lines that form vertical lines around the mouth
Marionette lines periorbital wrinkles that frame the chin vertically.

Wrinkles Diagnosis
A diagnosis of wrinkles is made by a Doctor examining a person’s skin.

Wrinkles Treatment in Nairobi Kenya
Wrinkles treatment in Nairobi Kenya includes the use of retinoids, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, botox, lasers and self care measures.
Retinoids for Wrinkles Treatment in Nairobi Kenya
Retinoids like tretinoin, tazarotene are medications derived from vitamin A and they used to reduce fine lines and uneven discoloration and repair sun damage. Tretinoin is the only topical medication approved by the FDA for treating wrinkles. The first 2 or 3 months of using this medication may result in some sensitivity, burning sensation, redness, dryness and peeling of the skin but this reduces with time.
Microdermabrasion for Wrinkles Treatment in Nairobi Kenya
At Almasi Skincare we offer microdermabrasion for wrinkles treatment in Nairobi Kenya. Microdermabrasion remove the top dead layers of the skin which reduces the appearance of wrinkles. Microdermabrasion also stimulates collagen production. A series of microdermabrasion sessions is required to achieve optimum results. Click here to learn more about microdermabrasion.
Chemical Peels for Wrinkles Treatment in Nairobi Kenya
At Almasi Skincare we offer chemical peels for wrinkles treatment in Nairobi Kenya. Chemical peels remove the top dead and damaged layers of the skin which reduces the appearance of wrinkles. Glycolic acid, salicylic acid and tricholoracetic acid are some of the acids used for chemical peels. and A series of peels is required to achieve optimum results. Click here to learn more about chemical peels.
Injectable Fillers for Wrinkles Treatment
Fillers are injected into wrinkles to fill the creases and lift the skin depressions caused by age-related fat loss. They have been approved by the FDA for the treatment of moderate to severe face wrinkles and folds. Hyaluronic acid (Restylane, Juvederm) is the most common filler used for wrinkles. Calcium hydroxylapatite (Radiesse) and lactic acid (Sculptra) are also used as fillers. The effects of filler injections last for 4 to 6 months after which they have to be repeated.
Non-Injectable Fillers for Wrinkles Treatment in Nairobi Kenya
At Almasi Skincare we offer non-injectable fillers for wrinkles treatment in Nairobi Kenya. Click here to learn more about Fillerina.
Botox for Wrinkles Treatment in Nairobi Kenya
Botox or botulinum toxin type A is a medication which is used for wrinkle treatment. It is injected into the muscles whose contractions cause wrinkles since it blocks the chemical signals that cause muscle contractions and thus paralyzes the muscles. By paralyzing the muscles, botox injections smoothen skin creases. The effects of Botox injections last for 3 to 4 months after which the injections have to be repeated as the wrinkles begin reforming.
Lasers for Wrinkles Treatment in Nairobi Kenya
Lasers skin resurfacing is also used for wrinkle treatment in Nairobi, Kenya. Lasers direct concentrated beams of light at the wrinkles. Ablative laser resurfacing removes the top layer of the skin and stimulates the production of collagen which results in smoother wrinkle free skin. This is usually done under local anesthesia or sedation. A series of laser sessions are required to achieve optimum results.
Ultrasound Therapy for Wrinkles Treatment in Nairobi Kenya
Ultherapy or ultrasound therapy is also used for wrinkles treatment in Nairobi, Kenya. In this procedure ultrasound is used to tighten the skin on the face, neck and chest.
Face Lifts for Wrinkles Treatment in Nairobi Kenya
Face lifts are also used for wrinkles treatment in Nairobi, Kenya. In this operation done by a plastic surgeon, excess skin and fat is removed from the face and neck and the muscles are also tightened. The effects of a face lift last for 7 to 10 years.

Self Care for Wrinkles Treatment in Nairobi Kenya
Self care measures that can be done at home and that are are beneficial for persons with wrinkles include using sunscreen every day. This sunscreen should offer protection against UVA and UVB radiation and have a SPF of at least 35. Good examples include Neutrogena Age Shield Sunscreen with SPF 110 and La Roche Posay Invisible Fluid SPF 50 Sunscreen.

Using sunscreen should be combined with wearing hats with a wide brim, sunglasses that offer UV protection to protect the delicate skin around the eyes. Sun protective clothing should also be worn.

Using anti aging creams and serums is another self care measure for treating wrinkles. These creams should contain ingredients like the following:
1. Retinol is obtained from vitamin A and it is used to repair sun-damaged skin and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Great retinol containing products include Kleem Anti Aging Retinol Moisturizer Cream and Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti Wrinkle Retinol Cream and Eva Naturals Vitamin C Serum and Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair and Essy Retinol Cream for Face.
Cerave Resurfacing Retinol Serum

Neutrogena Retinol + Vitamin C Dark Spot Corrector

Adapalene 0.1% Differin Gel
Non-prescription retinoids are also used to treat wrinkles because they boost collagen production. One great example is Differin Gel which contains 0.1% adapalene. It was previously only available by prescription but it can now be purchased over-the-counter and in our Nairobi Almasi Skincare Shop.

Click here to read the Differin Gel Review
2. Hyaluronic acid keeps the skin hydrated and plump. Great hyaluronic acid containing products include Go Radiance Vitamin C Serum and Kleem Anti Aging Retinol Moisturizer Cream and Cerave Skin Renewing Night Cream and Shiseido Benefiance Wrinkle Resist and Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair and Eva Naturals Vitamin C Serum and Essy Retinol Cream for Face
3. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a potent antioxidant which reduces damage to skin cells caused by free radicals from UV radiation, smoking, stress, and environmental pollution. It also increases collagen production and corrects pigmentation problems. L-ascorbic acid is the most potent form for wrinkle treatment. These preparations must however be protected from air and sunlight. Great vitamin C containing products include Go Radiance Vitamin C Serum and Neutrogena Healthy Skin Eye Firming Cream and Eva Naturals Vitamin C Serum
4. CoEnzyme Q10 helps reduce fine wrinkles around the eyes and protects the skin from sun damage. Great CoEnzyme Q10 containing products include Eucerin Q10 Anti Wrinkle Face Cream
5. Idebenone is a potent antioxidant which protects the cells from free radical damage. A Journal of Dermatology study found that it decreased lines and wrinkles by 29% and increased skin hydration by 37% after 6 weeks of use. Great idebenone containing products include LabNo Idebenone Cream
6. Hydroxy acids (fruit acids) which include the alpha hydroxy acids lactic acid and glycolic acid as well as beta hydroxy acids like salicylic acid and polyhydroxy aciwhich are also used to treat and prevent fine lines. These acids work by removing the dead cells on the surface of the skin which reduces the appearance of the lines and wrinkles. Great alpha hydroxy acid containing products include Neutrogena healthy Skin Eye Firming Cream Great salicylicacid containing products include Eva Naturals Vitamin C Serum
7. Peptides stimulate collagen production, improve skin texture and reduce wrinkles. Pentapeptides can increase collage production and reduce lines and wrinkles. Great peptides containing products include Cerave Skin Renewing Night Cream and Peter Thomas Roth Peptide 21 Wrinkle Resist Serum
8. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant which protects the skin cells from free radial damage. Great vitamin E containing products include Go Radiance Vitamin C Serum and Kleem Anti Aging Retinol Moisturizer Cream and Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti Wrinkle Retinol Cream and Eucerin Q10 Anti Wrinkle Face Cream and Essy Retinol Cream for Face
9. Vitamin A is a potent antioxidant which protects the skin cells from free radial damage. Great vitamin A containing products include Eucerin Q10 Anti Wrinkle Face Cream and Neutrogena healthy Skin Eye Firming Cream
10. Tea extracts from green tea, black tea and oolong tea are also potent antioxidants that reduce free radical damage to skin cells. Great tea extracts containing products include Kleem Anti Aging Retinol Moisturizer Cream and Essy Retinol Cream for Face
11. Niacinamide is a potent antioxidant which reduce free radical damage to skin cells. It also helps reduce water loss by the skin and improves the skin’s elasticity. Great niacinamide containing products include Cerave Skin Renewing Night Cream and Eva Naturals Vitamin C Serum
12. Grape seed extracts stimulate collagen production in addition to being also potent antioxidants that reduce free radical damage to skin cells.
Not smoking is another self care measure for wrinkle prevention and treatment.
Click here to learn about our Stop Smoking Program
Stress management is another self care measure for wrinkle prevention and treatment.
Click here to visit our Stress Management Self Care Shop
Eating a healthy diet is another self care measure for wrinkle prevention and treatment. This wrinkle free skin diet should have adequate amounts of the following foods:
1.Fish like sardines and salmon since they are good sources of protein and omega 3 fatty acids.
2. Fruits like blueberries, strawberries, avocadoes which are rich in antioxidants like vitamin C since the body needs it to make collagen.
3.Vegetables like spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes which are rich in antioxidants like vitamin C since the body needs it to make collagen.
4. Seeds and nuts like chia seeds and walnuts.
5.Herbs and spices like turmeric, cinnamon, ginger
6. Dark chocolate since a 2006 Journal of Nutrition study found that cocoa with high levels of flavanols protected the skin from sun damage and improved its circulation.
Taking nutritional supplements is another self care measure for wrinkle prevention and treatment. For example a study found that taking aloe vera gel powder (AVGP) containing 40 μg aloe sterols reduced wrinkles in women aged 40 years and above.
Drinking adequate amounts of water is another self care measure for wrinkle prevention and treatment.
Getting adequate sleep is another self care measure for wrinkle prevention and treatment since it results in the production of human growth hormone which helps the skin remain thick and less likely to wrinkle. Therefore aim for atleast 7 hours of sleep each night. As you do so, ensure that you sleep on your back to avoid developing sleep lines from squashing your face on the pillow.
Other self care measure to reduce wrinkles include reducing frowning and squinting and not resting your forehead, cheeks or chin on your hand when thinking.
Whait is the fastest way to get rid of wrinkles?
Receiving botox injections is the fastest way to get rid of wrinkles.
What is the fastest way to get rid of wrinkles naturally?
The fastest way to get rid of wrinkles naturally involves doing the following:
*Wearing sunscreen daily since this helps delay the signs of aging. Click here to buy sunscreen from our Almasi Skincare Shop.
*Reducing intake of sugary foods since this reduces the production of advanced glycation end products (AGE) that breakdown collagen and make you look older.
*Take 30 milligrams of beta carotene each day since it prevents and repairs photoaging wrinkles.
*Drink lemon balm (Melissa Officinalis) leaf tea since a study found that it improved skin elasticity.
*Eating a diet tht is rich in vegetables, olive oil, fish and legumes since a study found that people who did this had less wrinkles on sun-exposed sites.
How can I permanently get rid of winkles on my face?
To permaently get rid of wrinkles on your face, you have to combine getting botox injections and dermal fillers with using retinols or retinoids and sunscreen. If you don’t want injections, you can consult us for non-injectable fillers.