Types of Acne


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Types of “Acne”

There are many types of acne as well as conditions labeled as acne and these include:

Acne Detergens

It is triggered by excessive washing of the face since it can stimulate the sebaceous (oil) glands to produce more sebum or oil which can then clog the pores.

acne detergens

Body Building Acne

It is triggered by the use or rather abuse of anabolic androgenic steroids. These are usually used for body building purposes.

Body building acne


It is triggered by exposure to halogenated hydrocarbons like chlorinated dioxins and dibenzofuranes. This can be through direct contact at work, inhalation or ingestion of contaminated foods.


Cyclic Acne

It is triggered by the release of hormones after ovulation. It usually results in premenstrual flare-ups of acne or the development of pimples just before the monthly periods.

cyclic acne

Cosmetic Acne

It is also known as acne cosmetica or pomade acne. It is triggered by the use of oil-rich skincare products that clog the skin pores.

cosmetic acne

Diet acne

It is triggered by eating foods like a high glycemic index likes cakes and drinking milk with hormones which is obtained from farmed animals.

diet acne
acne diet book

Hair care acne

It is triggered by bad hair care habits like styling the hair with fringes which brings the hair oils to the face.

Hair care acne

Hormonal Acne

It is triggered by changes in hormone levels in the body which occurs before the monthly menstrual periods, during pregnancy and menopause.

Acne hormonal

Iatrogenic Acne

Iatrogenic acne, which is also known as acne medicamentosa, is triggered by the use of prescription medications like phenytoin (used to treat seizures), lithium (used to treat mania) and isoniazid (used to treat tuberculosis).

Iatrogenic Acne is treated by asking the  prescribing Doctor to change those medications. If that is not possible, it is treated with

Iatrogenic acne

Mechanical Acne

It is also known as acne mechanica or sports acne. It is caused by heat, friction, pressure and physical trauma which cause mechanical breakage of the sebaceous (oil) glands. It usually develops as a result of wearing bicycle helmets, baseball caps and exercise head bands.

Mechanical acne

Neonatal Acne

It is also known as acne neonatorum. It is triggered by the stimulation of the newborn baby’s sebaceous (oil) glands by the mother’s hormones.

Neonatal acne

Occupational Acne

It is triggered by machine oils, grease and coal tar derivatives in those who are exposed to them in their line of duty.

Acne Occupational

Skin Care Acne

It is triggered by poor skin care habits like touching your face when thinking, not cleaning your phone regularly and using skincare products with comedogenic ingredients.

Skin care acne

Steroid Acne

It is triggered by the use of prescription steroids regardless of whether they are taken by mouth, applied on the skin or given intravenously or inhaled into the lungs. These prescription steroids are used to treat numerous conditions like lupus, eczema, multiple sclerosis and asthma to mention just a few.

Steroid acne

Stress Acne

It is triggered by stress.

Stress acne

Teenage Acne

It is triggered by the increase in production of androgens or male sex hormones during puberty.

Teenage acne


It is also called back acne and it refers to acne which affects the back.

Back acne

Acne Conglobata

It has been associated with chromosomal abnormalities like the XXY karyotype. It has also been associated with taking steroids and testosterone. It is characterized by a very severe type of acne with large, interconnected nodules and cysts as well as extensive scarring. It can affect the back, chest and arms.

Acne conglobata

Acne Excoriee

It mainly affects young women and is often associated with psychological problems like obsessive compulsive disorder. It is characterized by self inflicted wounds due to excessive picking and squeezing of blemishes.

Acne excoriaee

Acne Fulminans

It is also known as acne maligna or acute febrile ulcerative acne. It is thought to be triggered by the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes which results in an immunological reaction. It results in large ulcers which may be associated with fever and arthralgia (joint pains).

Acne fulminans

Acne Aestivalis

It is also known as Mallorca acne. This condition is not a “type of acne vulgaris” but it has been included here because its name includes the word “acne”. It is triggered by exposure to sunlight since it is a type of polymorphous light eruption.

Acne aetivalis

Acne Inversa

It is correctly known as hidradenitis suppurativa. This condition is not a “type of acne vulgaris” but it has been included here because its name includes the word “acne”. It is characterized by painful swellings in the armpits, groin and anal area. These lesions can be worsened by tight clothing, sweat, heat and emotional stress.

Acne inversa

Acne Keloidalis Nuchae

This condition is not a “type of acne vulgaris” but it has been included here because its name includes the word “acne” though that is a misnomer. The specific trigger for this chronic folliculitis that develops keloid-like scars on the occipital scalp or the back of the head and neck is not known but inward growth of curved nape hairs are believed to contribute to its development.

Acne keloidalis nuchae

Scalp Acne

It is also called acne miliaris necrotica or acne varioliformis. This condition is not a “type of acne vulgaris” but it has been included here because its name includes the word “acne”. It is characterized by inflammation of the scalp with burning and itchy sensations and hair loss. It commonly affects the frontal hairline.

Scalp acne

Pyoderma Faciale

It is also known as rosacea fulminans. This condition is not a “type of acne vulgaris” but it has been included here because it is commonly confused with acne vulgaris or with rosacea acne. It only affects women and usually those aged between 20 to 40 years. It starts suddenly and can spread rapidly to involve the entire face within a week. It only involves the face and is characterized by large nodules and pus filled swellings which resemble those caused by severe acne vulgaris.

It differs from acne vulgaris because it does not have comedones (black heads and white heads). If differs from rosacea acne in that there is no flushing and it does not affect the eyes.

Pyoderma faciale

Rosacea Acne

This condition is not a “type of acne vulgaris” but it has been included here because its name includes the word “acne”. It is characterized by flushing in the central part of the face and small pimples but it does not have the comedones or black heads of acne vulgaris. It can be triggered by the Demodex folliculorum mites, weather extremes, hot baths, alcohol, hot and spicy foods as well as emotional stress.

Rosacea acne

To learn about the treatment of these types of acne, read the Acne Handbook

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