At Almasi Skincare we offer services for stress management in Nairobi Kenya because studies have shown that stress causes hair loss and worsens skin conditions like acne, eczema, vitiligo, rosacea, psoriasis and urticaria.
These services include stress management books, talks, workshops and retreats.
Click here to learn about our Stress Management Workshops
Click here to learn about our Stress Management Retreats

Individual Stress Management Workshops in Nairobi, Kenya
We offer personalized stress management workshops for individuals who want to learn how to manage stress by using medically proven relaxation techniques.
Participants receive a gift bag filled with stress relief items to help them relax.
Investment Ksh 3000
These workshops are offered online at the date and time that the individual chooses.
To book your individual stress management session, email almasiskincare@gmail.com or call 0721 963 156 or WhatsApp *254 721 963 156.

Group Stress Management Workshops in Nairobi, Kenya
We offer personalized stress management workshops for groups who want to learn how to manage stress by using medically proven relaxation techniques and coping strategies. These groups can be students in a college, workers in a company or congregants in a church.
These workshops can be tailored to cover specific topics that the group may require like financial stress management, workplace stress and Christian stress management. They can also be held at your venue of choice and at a time that is convenient for your group.
Click here to learn about our group Stress Management Workshop at Amref International University


Monthly Self Care Sunday Nairobi Event
Each month we hold a Self Care Sunday Event. During this Nairobi event we teach the participants various aspects of self care. Details of our next Self Care Sunday Event are shown below:
Stress Management
Medical Relaxation Techniques Workshop
You will learn how to manage stress by using medically proven relaxation techniques.
Christian Stress Management Workshop (optional)
You will learn how to manage stress by using principles from the Bible.
Aromatherapy Workshop (optional)
You will learn how to manage stress by using aromatherapy essential oils.
Stress Relief Gift Bag
You will receive a gift bag filled with stress relief items to help you relax.
Norwich Union House which is opposite Hilton Hotel in Nairobi
Venue can change depending on the client’s preference
Ksh 3000
Sunday January 28, 2024
Sunday February 25, 2024
Sunday March 31, 2024
Sunday April 28, 2024
Sunday May 26, 2024
Sunday June 30, 2024
Sunday July 28, 2024
Sunday August 25, 2024
Sunday September 29, 2024
Sunday October 27, 2024
Sunday November 24, 2024
Sunday December 29, 2024
2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Limited slots available so call 0721 963 156 or Whatsapp +254 721 963 156 to book yours today.
Sponsors are welcome to place their items and brochures in the Stress Relief Gift Bags that will be given to the participants. Call 0721 963 156 or Whatsapp 254 +721 963 156

Stress Management in Nairobi Kenya Workshop Benefits
Learning how to manage stress is very important because stress worsens skin conditions like acne, eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, rosacea and urticaria.
Stress also causes hair loss and worsens hair conditions like alopecia areata and trichotillomania.
Stress also worsens medical conditions like hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, depression, anxiety, tension headaches, insomnia, backaches, Alzheimer’s disease, asthma, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, and other gastrointestinal diseases.
Therefore if you have any of these conditions, learning effective stress management techniques like those taught in our talks, workshops and retreats is just as important as taking your medications to treat them.
Therefore, call 0721 963 156 or WhatsApp +254 721 963 156 to enroll in our Stress Management Workshop today.

Stress Management Books
Rules of Relaxation
Rules of Relaxation by Dr. Miriam Kinai teaches you 130 simple relaxation techniques. It covers the A to Z of stress management from Assert yourself, Breathe deeply, Cast your burdens, Drink herbal teas, Establish social support, Formulate realistic goals, Guard your heart, Have complementary hobbies, Identify personal stressors, Jaunt, Keep the Sabbath, Listen to music, Meditate on the Word, Nab a nap, Optimize stress, Pamper yourself, Quash sin, Reason rationally, Schedule news fasts, Trust God, Use cognitive restructuring, Veto worry, Work out, eXperiment with aromatherapy, Yield to God to Zap job stress so that stress will never distress you.
Click here to buy the Rules of Relaxation PDF ebook
To buy the Rules of Relaxation paperback, call 0721 963 156 or WhatsApp 254 721 963 156. We deliver countrywide/worldwide.
Managing Stress with the Word of God
Managing Stress with the Word of God by Dr. Miriam Kinai teaches you how to manage stress effectively by combining time-tested principles from the Bible with medically proven relaxation techniques.
Click here to buy Managing Stress with the Word of God PDF eBook
To buy the Managing Stress with the Word of God paperback for Ksh 500, Call 0721 963 156 or WhatsApp +254 721 963 156. We deliver countrywide/worldwide.
Click here for the Best Stress Relief Activities in Kenya

Stress Management FAQ
What are the Top 5 Stress Management Techniques?
There are many stress management techniques but the most common 5 stress management techniques are:
Abdominal breathing
Abdominal breathing is a very effective relaxation technique. It involves breathing deeply through your nose until your abdomen rises, holding your breath for a few seconds and then exhaling completely until your abdomen falls.
Meditation is a very effective relaxation technique. It involves focussing your mind on a word or a phrase as you take deep breaths.
For example if you stressed because you are sick, you can meditate by focussing your mind on the phrase like, “I am perfectly healthy” as you brethe deeply. If your mind wanders, draw it back gently and focus it on “I am perfectly healthy”.
Guided imagery
Guided Imagery is an effective relaxation technique that involves imagining yourself in a stress-free situation by using all your senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste).
For example if you are stressed because you don’t have a job, imagine yourself working at your dream job, hear yourself being congratulated for your job performance, smell your cheques as you cash them and taste your favorite desert that you have bought with money that you have earned at your dream job.

If you find yourself in a stressful situation, you can imagine youself in a stress-free place for a few minutes. For example you can imagine yourself on a beach and see the calm, blue waters sea stretching out infront of you, hear the waves laping on the shore, feel the sand between your toes, smell the ocean and taste your tropical drink.
Physical exercise
Physical exercise and specifially aerobic exercises are very effective relaxation techniques. Examples of aerobic exercises include brisk walking, jogging, aerobic classes at the gym and playing games like basketball.

Progressive muscle relaxation
PProgressive muscle relaxation is another effective relaxation technique. It involves tensing and relaxing each muscle group as you become aware of the physcial sensations brought on by muscle tension and muslce relaxation.
To do it, tighten the muscles of your right foot for 5 seconds and notice how it feels and then relax them for 30 seconds and notice how it feels. Follow this with tensing the muscles of the left foot, registering the sensation and relaxing them. Do this for all the muscle groups as you work your way up your body to the neck and head all the while ensuring that you become aware of the sensations of tension and relaxation.
To learn how to do these 5 stress management techniques effectively, call 0721 963 156 to enroll in our Stress Management Workshop.

What are the 4 As of Stress Management?
The 4 As of stress management are as follows:
Avoid stress by planning ahead so that you can evade the people, environments, events, activities and things that distress you.
Change the people, environments, events, activities and things that stress you. For example you can politely ask a work colleague to change their behavior. You can also change the time you spend in stressful family get togethers.
Accept the people, environments, events, activities and things that you cannot change. As you do so, motivate yourself by giving yourself postive self talks.
Adjust your standards and expectations when dealing with people, environments, events, activities and things that stress you and that you cannot change as this will reduce their frustrating effect on you. You can aslo reframe your relationship with the stressfuol people, environments, events, activities and things so that you remind yourself of the benefits you get from dealing with them. For example, you can remind yoursefl that you work in that stressful environment so that you can pay your mortgage.

What are the 3 Types of Stress Management?
According to the American Psychological Association, the 3 types of stress are acute, episodic acute and chronic stress.
Acute Stress Management
Acute stress is short term stress that triggers the body’s fight or flight response to stress. Examples include being called into the boss’s office. To manage acute stress, move you from the stressful situation and engage in an activity that counters the stress response like abdominal breathing.
Episodic Acute Stress Management
Episodic acute stress is recurring intense stress. Examples include multiple tight deadlines at work. To manage episodic acute stress ensure that you maintain your self-care activities (eating, excercising, sleeping) as you change what you can of the activities that are repeatedly stressing you.
Chronic Stress Management
Chronic stress is constant, prolonged stress. Examples include dealing with a terminal illness, abusive marriages and war. These persitently flood the body with stress hormones and result in the development of stress-related diseases. To manage chronic stress, seek professional help like counselling services in Kenya because cognitive behavioral therapy CBT is the most effective therapy for stress. Combine this with leaning on your social support system and maintaining your self-care activities (eating, excercising, sleeping).

Share with us in the comments section your favorite techniques for stress management in Nairobi Kenya.