These pictures of skin diseases in Kenya represent the skin, hair and nail conditions that we treat in our Nairobi clinic and in our online skin clinic (teledermatology).
Skin diseases in Kenya and the rest of the world, have physical and psychosocial effects like anxiety and depression on the affected persons which makes it imperative to treat them effectively even if they are painless.
This study reveals that the most common skin diseases in Kenya are tinea versicolor, tinea capitis, scabies, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, vitiligo, acne vulgaris and dermatitis.
However, the skin and hair conditions that we most commonly encounter in our clinics are acne vulgaris, acne keloidalis nuchae, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, dermatosis papulosa nigra, keloids, melasma, pityriasis versicolor, post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (dark marks), pseudo folliculitis barbae (razor bumps), traction alopecia and vitiligo.

Skin Diseases in Kenya : A
An abscess is caused by bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus when they enter the body.
Symptoms of an abscess include painful, fluctuant swellings filled with pus. For effective abscess treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.


Acanthosis Nigricans
The specific cause of acanthosis nigricans is not known but it has been linked to obesity, diabetes and some cancers.
Symptoms of acanthosis nigricans include dark brown, velvety patches on the neck and armpits. For effective acanthosis nigricans treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.


Acne Keloidalis Nuchae
Acne keloidalis nuchae or folliculitis keloidalis is caused by inflammation of the hair follicles which leads to their destruction and scarring hair loss. It begins after close shaving when the curved hairs reenter the skin and trigger inflammation.
Symptoms of acne keloidalis nuchae include swellings at the back of the head and neck. For effective acne keloidalis nuchae treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.



To learn about the treatment of this condition and many others, click here to read SKINS OF COLOR DERMATOLOGY
Acne vulgaris
Acne vulgaris is one of the most common skin diseases in Kenya. It is caused by a combination of excessive sebum (oil) production, dead skin cells, bacteria, inflammation and blocked pilosebaceous units (hair follicles or skin pores).
Acne vulgaris symptoms include whiteheads, blackheads, pimples and cysts on the skin. For effective acne treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.





Acne hyperpigmentation (acne marks)
Post acne hyperpigmentation is causes by the skin inflammation that develops in acne and sun exposure.
Symptoms of acne hyperpigmentation include dark posts left on the skin after the acne pimples heal. For effective acne hyperpigmentation treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.



Acne scars
Acne scars are caused by the skin inflammation that develops in acne. If the body produces too little collagen during the healing process, depressed acne scars develop. If the body produces too much collagen in the healing process, raised acne scars develop.
Symptoms of acne scars include deep, narrow pits known as ice pick scars, broad depressions with sloping edges known as rolling scars, broad depressions with sharp edges known as boxcar scars and flat, thin scars known as atrophic scars. For effective acne scar treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.


Acneiform Eruptions
Acneiform eruptions are caused by medications (like oral corticosteroids), hormonal imbalances, metabolic derangements and generic disorders.
Acneiform eruptions symptoms include small bumps on the skin some of which have pus (papules and pustules). They are usually of uniform size, arise abruptly and can be itchy. For effective acneiform eruptions treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.


Acrochordons are also known as skin tags or fibroepithelial polyps.
For effective acrochordon removal in Nairobi Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata is caused by the immune system which mistakenly attacks the hair follicles and damages them leading to hair loss.
Alopecia areata symptoms include bald patches on the scalp though the hair loss can also affect the beard, eyelashes and eyebrows. For effective alopecia areata treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Androgenetic Alopecia
Androgenetic alopecia is caused by a genetic process and hormones known as androgens which results in the hair follicles getting smaller and producing shorter and finer strands of hair.
Symptoms of androgenic alopecia in men (male pattern hair loss) include a receding hair line and hair loss which begins at the temples to form “M” shaped baldness. Symptoms of androgenic alopecia in women (female pattern hair loss) include thinning of the hair around the crown of the head and widening of the midline part. For effective androgenic alopecia treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.




Angoedema is caused by allergic reactions to foods (nuts, shellfish, eggs, milk), medications (aspirin, antibiotics e.g. penicillin, NSAIDS e.g. ibuprofen), insect stings (bees, wasps), physical stimuli (cold, vibrations, exercise). It can also be inherited.
Angioedema symptoms include swelling of the eyes, lips, hands, feet and other part of the body. For effective angioedema treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Anogenital Warts
Anogenital warts are caused by human papilloma virus HPV 6 and 11.
Symptoms of anogenital warts include swellings in the anus or genital region which may be itchy. For the best treatment or anogenital warts in Nairobi, Kenya consult our Doctor today.




To learn about the treatment of this condition and many others, click here to read SKINS OF COLOR DERMATOLOGY
Aphthous Ulcers
The exact cause of aphthous ulcers is not clearly understood but they have been linked to emotional stress, oral injuries (self-inflicted bites, poorly-fitting dentures) viral infections, nutritional deficiencies (vitamin B, iron, folic acid), toothpastes with sodium laureth sulphate. Drugs that cause aphthous ulcers include nicorandil. Foods that can cause aphthous ulcers include chocolates. However the most common cause of aphthous ulcers is thought to be injury e.g. from accidental bites.
Aphthous ulcers symptoms include painful wounds inside the mouth which may be associated with pain when chewing food or brushing teeth. For the best treatment or aphthous ulcers in Nairobi, Kenya consult our Doctor today.


Asteatotic Eczema
For effective asteatotic eczema treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.


To learn about the treatment of this condition and many others, click here to read SKINS OF COLOR DERMATOLOGY
Atopic Dermatitis
According to this study, atopic dermatitis is one of the most common skin disease in Kenyan children.
The cause of atopic dermatitis is not known. However genes, environmental factors and the immune system play a role.
Symptoms of atopic dermatitis include dry, itchy skin which may have crusting and oozing. For effective atopic dermatitis treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.




To learn about the treatment of this condition and many others, click here to read SKINS OF COLOR DERMATOLOGY

Skin Diseases in Kenya : B
A boil is caused by bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus when they enter the body.
Symptoms of a boil include painful, fluctuant swellings filled with pus. For effective boil treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.


Skin Diseases in Kenya : C
Cellulite is caused by a build up of fat under the skin. The tendency to develop cellulite depends in genes, body fat percentage, hormones and lifestyle factors like lack of physical exercise.
Symptoms of cellulite include skin with a dimpled or lumpy appearance usually on the thighs and hips. For effective cellulite treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.


Cellulitis is caused by an infection of the skin and the subcutaneous tissues beneath it. The bacteria Staphylococcus and Streptococcus are the most common causes.
Symptoms of cellulitis include redness, pain, swelling and warmth. For effective cellulitis treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Chickenpox is caused by a virus called varicella zoster virus (VZV). This is the same virus that causes herpes zoster.
Chickenpox symptoms include blisters filled with fluid which develop scabs. There may also be an itchy rash. Other symptoms include fever, fatigue, headache, stomachache and loss of appetite. Chicken pox is contagious from 1-2 days before the blisters appear until all the blisters have developed crusts. For excellent chickenpox treatment in Kenya contact our Doctor today.



To learn about the treatment of this condition and many others, click here to read SKINS OF COLOR DERMATOLOGY
Common Warts
Common warts are caused by human papilloma virus HPV 2 and 4 and other strains.
Common warts symptoms include rough bumps with a “cauliflower appearance” that range from 1mm to over 1cm in diameter. For excellent common warts treatment in Kenya contact our Doctor today.


To learn about the treatment of this condition and many others, click here to read SKINS OF COLOR DERMATOLOGY
Condyloma Acuminata
Condyloma acuminata are caused by human papilloma virus HPV 6 and 11.
Symptoms of condyloma acuminata include swellings in the genital region which may be itchy. For the best treatment or genital warts in Nairobi, Kenya consult our Doctor today.



To learn about the treatment of this condition and many others, click here to read SKINS OF COLOR DERMATOLOGY
Contact Dermatitis
Contact dermatitis is caused by substances which irritate the skin or trigger an allergic reaction. These include detergents, metals (nickel), medications, cement and plants.
Contact dermatitis symptoms range from red pimples with blisters oozing fluid to itchy, dry, scaly skin. For effective contact dermatitis treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.







To learn about the treatment of this condition and many others, click here to read SKINS OF COLOR DERMATOLOGY
Cutaneous Abscess
Cutaneous abscess is caused by bacteria which get into the skin through cuts.
Cutaneous abscess symptoms include painful swellings which are fluctuant. For effective cutaneous abscess treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.


Skin Diseases in Kenya : D
Dandruff is caused by a combination of factors that include the yeast Malassezia, oily skin and other skin conditions.
Symptoms of dandruff include white flakes made of dead skin on the scalp and hair. For effective dandruff treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Dark Eye Circles
Dark eye circles are caused by increased melanin production which can be triggered by sun exposure, lack of sleep and smoking.
Symptoms of dark eye circles include dark patches around the eyes. For effective dandruff treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra
Dermatosis papulosa nigra DPN is thought to have a genetic cause since it tends to run in families.
Symptoms of dermatosis papulosa nigra include small, smooth swellings on the face and neck which are brown or black in color. For effective dermatosis papulosa nigra treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.


To learn about the treatment of this condition and many others, click here to read SKINS OF COLOR DERMATOLOGY
Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Diabetic foot ulcers occur in patients with diabetes and are caused by nerve damage or peripheral neuropathy and poor blood flow to the legs from peripheral arterial disease which develops due to high blood sugar levels.
Symptoms of diabetic foot ulcers include wounds on the legs and which may have a foul smelling discharge. For effective diabetic ulcer treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today. Since cigarette smoking causes delayed wound healing which makes diabetic ulcers last persist longer, click here to learn about the Almasi Stop Smoking Program.

Diaper Dermatitis
Diaper dermatitis is caused by pronged exposure of the skin to urine and feces.
Diaper dermatitis symptoms include red and shiny skin over the buttocks and thighs. For effective diaper dermatitis treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Digitate Warts
Digitate warts are caused by human papilloma virus HPV 1,2, 4 and other strains.
Digitate warts symptoms include long, thin growths on the skin. For excellent digitate warts treatment in Kenya contact our Doctor today.

To learn about the treatment of this condition and many others, click here to read SKINS OF COLOR DERMATOLOGY
Dyshidrotic Eczema or Dyshidrotic Dermatitis
The cause of dyshidrotic eczema or dyshidrotic dermatitis is not known.
Symptoms of dyshidrotic eczema include itchy, blisters filled with fluid on the fingers. For effective dyshidrotic eczema in Kenya consult our Doctor today.


Skin Diseases in Kenya : E
Eczema Craquele
For effective eczema craquele treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Eruptive Xanthomas
Symptoms of eruptive xanthomas include multiple erythematous dome shaped papules some of which maybe yellowish (red and yellow bumps). They are caused by high levels of lipids (triglycerides and cholesterol) in the blood. They may also develop in persons with poorly controlled diabetes.
For effective eruptive xanthomas treatment consult our Doctor today.


Skin Diseases in Kenya : F
Flat Warts
Flat warts are caused by human papilloma virus HPV 3, 10 and other strains.
Flat warts symptoms include skin-colored swellings with a flat top that range in size from 1mm to 5mm. For excellent flat warts treatment in Kenya contact our Doctor today.


To learn about the treatment of this condition and many others, click here to read SKINS OF COLOR DERMATOLOGY
Filiform Warts
Filiform warts are caused by human papilloma virus HPV 1,2, 4 and other strains.
Filiform warts symptoms include long, thin growths on the skin. For excellent filiform warts treatment in Kenya contact our Doctor today.

To learn about the treatment of this condition and many others, click here to read SKINS OF COLOR DERMATOLOGY
Symptoms of folliculitis include small, painful bumps with pus (pustules) with a hair follicle in the centre of each one. They are caused by bacterial infection of the hair follicle.
For effective folliculitis treatment consult our Doctor today.

Fungal Nail Infections
Fungal nail infections are caused by types of fungi known as dermatophytes or yeasts.
Symptoms of fungal nail infections include changes in nail color as it turns white, brown or another color as well as nail shape changes as it thickens and becomes distorted. For effective fungal nail infection treatment, consult our Doctor today.



A furuncle is caused by bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus when they enter the body.
Symptoms of a furuncle include a painful, fluctuant swelling filled with pus. For effective furuncle treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.


Skin Diseases in Kenya: G
Genital Warts
Genital warts are caused by human papilloma virus HPV 6 and 11.
Symptoms of genital warts include swellings in the genital region which may be itchy. For the best treatment or genital warts in Nairobi, Kenya consult our Doctor today.



To learn about the treatment of this condition and many others, click here to read SKINS OF COLOR DERMATOLOGY

Skin Diseases in Kenya : K
Keloids form when the skin is damaged by body piercings (ears), surgery, accidents and diseases (acne, chickenpox).
Keloid symptoms include swellings that develop on skin that has been injured. These may be itchy or painful. For effective keloid treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.


Keratosis Pilaris
Symptoms of keratosis pilaris include dry, rough bumps which usually develop on the upper arms and thighs. For effective keratosis pilaris treatment consult our Doctor today


Skin Diseases in Kenya : H
Herpes Simplex 1 HSV 1
Herpes is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). Herpes is common in Kenya with one study saying 80% of Kenyans have HSV 1 and 30% have HSV 2.
Symptoms of herpes simplex type 1 HSV 1 or oral herpes include clustered vesicles or fluid filled blisters which usually develop on the lips and mouth. They often deroof and become painful ulcers.
There is no cure for herpes but antiviral medications are prescribed to control the symptoms and reduce the frequency of the outbreaks. To get your prescription, consult our Doctor today.

Hidratenitis Suppurativa
The exact cause of hidradenitis suppurativa is not known but it is strongly linked to smoking and obesity.
Symptoms of hidradenits suppurativa include painful swellings in the armpits and groin which develop as a result of blockage of hair follicles. For effective hidradenitis suppurativa treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today. Since most patients with hidradenitis suppurativa are smokers and they respond poorly to treatment, click here to learn about the Almasi Stop Smoking Program.


Skin Diseases in Kenya : L
Lichen Simplex Chronicus
The cause of lichen simplex chronicus is itching of the skin. This itching can develop in normal skin or it can be triggered by diseases like atopic dematitis, psoriasis and cancer.
Symptoms of lichen simplex chronicus include 1 or 2 patches of itchy, leathery skin. For effective lichen simplex chronicus treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.


Skin Diseases in Kenya : M
For effective melasma treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.


Milia are keratin cysts that develop when dead skin cells get trapped in the skin pore.
Symptoms of milia include small yellowish or whitish bumps on the skin (subepidermal papules). For effective milia treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Miliaria occurs after exposure to hot and humid environments where one sweats excessively.
Symptoms of miliaria include small bumps on the skin which are topped by fluid-filled vesicles. For effective miliaria treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.


Skin Diseases in Kenya : N
The cause of neurodermatitis is itching of the skin. This itching can develop in normal skin or it can be triggered by diseases like atopic dermatitis, psoriasis or cancer.
Symptoms of neurodermatitis include 1 or 2 patches of itchy, leathery skin. For effective neurodermatitis treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

For effective neurofibromatosis treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.


Nevus Simplex
Nevus Simplex which is also known as salmon patch or stork bite or angel kiss, is a birth mark which is formed by clusters of dilated blood vessels known as capillaries. These blood vessels are remnants of the fetal blood circulation in the skin.
Symptoms of nevus simplex include red patches on the back of the head and neck, in between the eyebrows and on the eyelids.
Nevus simplex treatment is to leave them alone since they usually fade by the time the child is 2 years old.

Nummular Dermatitis
The exact cause for nummular dermatitis is not known but triggers include insect bites and skin infections.
Symptoms of nummular dermatitis include coin-shaped, itchy patches on the legs. For excellent nummular dermatitis treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.


Skin Diseases in Kenya : O
Onychomycosis are caused by dermatophytes and yeasts which are types of fungi.
Symptoms of onychomycosis include changes in nail color as it turns white, brown or another color as well as nail shape changes as it thickens and becomes distorted. For effective onychomycosis infection treatment, consult our Doctor today.




Skin Diseases in Kenya : P
Palmoplantar Pustulosis
The exact cause of palmoplantar pustulosis is not known but the eccrine sweat glands, genes, medications and autoimmunity are thought to have a role in its development.
Symptoms of palmoplantar pustulosis include swellings filled with pus on the palms and soles. For effective palmoplantar pustulosis treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today. Since most patients with palmoplantar pustulosis are smokers and smoking cessation results in improvement of the condition., click here to learn about the Almasi Stop Smoking Program.

Pemphigus Vulgaris
For effective pemphigus vulgaris treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Periorifical Dermatitis and Perioral Dermatitis
Symptoms of periorificial dermatitis include small bumps (papules) around the eyes, nose and lips which may be itchy. When it is around the mouth it is known as perioral dermatitis and it is associated with applying corticosteroid medications to the face.
For effective periorifical dermatitis and perioral dermatitis treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Periungal Warts
Periungal warts are caused by human papilloma virus HPV 1,2 and other strains.
Periungal warts symptoms include rough, scaly swellings around nails. For excellent periungal warts treatment in Kenya contact our Doctor today.

To learn about the treatment of this condition and many others, click here to read SKINS OF COLOR DERMATOLOGY
Pityriasis Versicolor
Pityriasis versicolor is also known as tinea versicolor. According to this study, pityriasis versicolor is one of the most common skin disease in Kenyan children. It is caused by the growth of fungi known as Malassezia. Pityriasis versicolor is therefore not related to hygiene.
Consult our Doctor today for the best treatment of pityriasis versicolor in Nairobi Kenya.



Pityrosporum Folliculitis
Pityrosporum folliculitis is also known as fungal acne.
Symptoms of pityrosporum folliculitis include small bumps on the skin which may have pus (papules and pustules). They may be itchy. They are caused by fungal infection of the hair follicle. For effective pityrosporum folliculitis treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Plantar Warts
Plantar warts are caused by human papilloma virus HPV 1,2 and other strains.
Plantar warts symptoms include hard swellings on the soles of the feet. For excellent plantar warts treatment in Kenya contact our Doctor today.

To learn about the treatment of this condition and many others, click here to read SKINS OF COLOR DERMATOLOGY
Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or hypermelanosis develops when conditions like acne cause inflammation in the skin which leads to overproduction of the skin pigment known as melanin or its abnormal deposition in the skin.
Symptoms of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation include dark spots and patches left on the skin after lesions heal. For effective post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.


Pseudofolliculitis Barbae or Razor Bumps
For effective razor bumps treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

According to this study, psoriasis is one of the most common skin disease in Kenya.
For effective psoriasis treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today. Since cigarette smokers tend to have more severe and more extensive psoriasis, click here to learn about the Almasi Stop Smoking Program.
Plaque Psoriasis


Pustular psoriasis

Pyogenic Granuloma
For effective pyogenic granuloma treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Skin Diseases in Kenya : R
Symptoms of rosacea include small red bumps on the skin some of which have pus (papules and pustules). The skin also tends to be red with dilated blood vessels (telangiectasia) especially on the cheeks and nose.
For effective rosacea treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.


Skin Diseases in Kenya : S
According to this study, scabies is one of the most common skin disease in Kenyan children.
For effective scabies treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Sebaceous Hyperplasia
Symptoms of sebaceous hyperplasia include yellowish bumps (papules) around hair follicles. They usually develop on the forehead and cheeks due to enlargement of the oil glands.
For effective sebaceous hyperplasia treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today

Seborrheic Dermatitis
The cause of seborrheic dermatitis is not clearly understood but the yeast Malassezia and oily skin play a role in its development.
Symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis include dandruff in adults and cradle cap in children. For effective seborrheic dermatitis treatment in Nairobi Kenya consult our Doctor today.


Skin Cancer
There are many types of skin cancer like squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma. For effective skin cancer diagnosis in Kenya consult our Doctor today.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma is as type of skin cancer. Most squamous cells carcinomas are caused by exposure to UV radiation from sunlight and tanning beds. Symptoms of squamous cell carcinoma include nodules or scaly sores on the scalp, ears, lips and other skin on other parts of the body that are exposed to the skin. For effective squamous cell carcinoma diagnosis in Kenya consult our Doctor today. Since cigarette smoking doubles a person’s risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma, click here to learn about the Almasi Stop Smoking Program. Using sunscreen also helps prevent developing skin cancer, click her to read about The Best Sunscreens in Kenya.

Skin Tags
For effective skin tag removal in Nairobi Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome SSSS
For effective staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome SSSS treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Stasis Dermatitis
Stasis dermatitis is caused by venous insufficiency which results in poor circulation in the legs and pooling of blood.
Symptoms of stasis dermatitis include skin discoloration and sores on the legs. For excellent stasis dermatitis treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Stretch Marks
For effective stretch marks treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.


Sunburns are caused by excessive exposure of the skin to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.
Symptoms of sunburns include skin that is red, swollen and painful. There may also be blisters. For effective sunburn treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.



Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Systemic lupus erythematosus which is also know as SLE or lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks tissues in the body causing damage in the skin, brain, blood vessels, heart, lungs, kidneys and joints. The exact cause of SLE is not known but genetic, environmental and hormonal factors are thought to play a role.
Symptoms of SLE include a butterfly rash on the face, fatigue, joint pains and fevers. For effective systemic lupus erythematosus treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Discoid Lupus Erythematosus DLE
Discoid lupus erytematosus DLE is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks tissues in the body causing damage in the skin. The exact cause of DLE is not known but genetic, environmental and hormonal factors are thought to play a role.
Symptoms of DLE include red, scaly patches which heal with scarring especially on the face, ears and scalp. For effective discoid lupus erythematosus treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today. Since cigarette smokers are more likely to develop discoid lupus erythematosus andtreatment with medications like hydroxychloroquin is less effective in smokers, click here to learn more about the Almasi Stop Smoking Program.

Systemic Sclerosis
Systemic sclerosis is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks tissues in the skin, joints, esophagus, lungs, heart and kidneys.
Symptoms of systemic sclerosis include CREST which stands for Calcinosis (calcium deposition in the skin), Raynaud phenomenon, Esophageal dysmotility, Sclerodactyl (tight thick skin on the fingers) and Telangiectasia (dilated blood vessels in the skin). There may also be cough, shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing and constipation. For effective systemic sclerosis treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today. Since cigarette smoking can worsen Raynaud phenomenon and systemic sclerosis ulcers, click here to learn more about the Almasi Stop Smoking Program.


Skin Diseases in Kenya : T
Tinea Capitis
Tinea capitis is caused by a fungal infection of the scalp.
Tinea capitis symptoms include bald patches on the scalp which may have black dots that represent the broken off hairs. For effective tinea capitis treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Tinea Corporis
Tinea corporis is caused by a fungal infection of the skin.
Tinea corporis symptoms include ring-shaped, scaly patches on the skin which may be itchy. For effective tinea corporis treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Traction Alopecia
Traction alopecia is caused by tight hair styles that cause tension on the hair. These include tight braids, weaves and ponytails.
Traction alopecia symptoms include bald patches along the hair line. There may also be redness and inflammation of the hair follicles (folliculitis) together with pus filled swellings. For effective traction alopecia treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.




Skin Diseases in Kenya : V
For excellent vasculitis treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Venous Eczema
Venous eczema is caused by venous insufficiency which results in poor circulation in the legs and pooling of blood.
Symptoms of venous eczema include skin discoloration and sores on the legs. For excellent venous eczema treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Verruca Filiformis
Verruca filiformis are caused by human papilloma virus HPV 1,2, 4 and other strains.
Verruca filiformis symptoms include long, thin growths on the skin. For excellent verruca filiformis treatment in Kenya contact our Doctor today.

To learn about the treatment of this condition and many others, click here to read SKINS OF COLOR DERMATOLOGY
Verruca Plana
Verruca plana are caused by human papilloma virus HPV 3, 10 and other strains.
Verruca plana symptoms include skin-colored swellings with a flat top that range in size from 1mm to 5mm. For excellent verruca plana treatment in Kenya contact our Doctor today.


To learn about the treatment of this condition and many others, click here to read SKINS OF COLOR DERMATOLOGY
Verruca Plantaris
Verruca plantaris are caused by human papilloma virus HPV 1,2 and other strains.
Verruca plantaris symptoms include hard swellings on the soles of the feet. For excellent verruca plantaris treatment in Kenya contact our Doctor today.

To learn about the treatment of this condition and many others, click here to read SKINS OF COLOR DERMATOLOGY
Verruca Vulgaris
Verruca vulgaris are caused by human papilloma virus HPV 2 and 4 and other strains.
Verruca vulgaris symptoms include rough bumps with a “cauliflower appearance” that range from 1mm to over 1cm in diameter. For excellent verruca vulgaris treatment in Kenya contact our Doctor today.


To learn about the treatment of this condition and many others, click here to read SKINS OF COLOR DERMATOLOGY
Vitiligo is one of the most common skin diseases in Kenya. It is an autoimmune disease which develops when cells from the immune system attack those which produce the melanin color in the skin known as melanocytes.
Symptoms of vitiligo include patches of skin that are lighter in color than the surrounding skin. For effective vitiligo treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.




Skin Diseases in Kenya : W
Anal Warts
Anal warts are caused by human papilloma virus (HPV).
Symptoms of anal warts include include swellings in the anus which are usually painless though they may become itchy. For effective anal warts treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today. Since smokers with genital warts are more likely to develop wart-virus associated cancers like cancer of the cervix, cancer of the vulva, cancer of the anus and cancer of the penis, click here to learn about the Almasi Stop Smoking Program.

Common Warts
For effective warts treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Flat Warts
For effective flat warts treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Genital Warts
For effective genital warts treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

Plantar Warts
For effective plantar warts treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

To learn about the treatment of this condition and many others, click here to read SKINS OF COLOR DERMATOLOGY
For effective wrinkles treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.




Skin Diseases in Kenya : X
Xerotic Eczema
For effective xerotic eczema treatment in Kenya consult our Doctor today.

To learn about the treatment of this condition and many others, click here to read SKINS OF COLOR DERMATOLOGY