Panoxyl Review in Kenya

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This Panoxyl Review in Kenya will teach you about Panoxyl 10% Acne Foaming Wash which is the #1 Best Selling acne treatment product in the US. It can now be purchased from our Nairobi Almasi Skincare Shop located on Moi Avenue, Sawa Mall, 3rd floor, Shop C15. Call 0721963156 or WhatsApp 254 721 963 156 to order. We deliver countrywide/worldwide.

Panoxyl review in Kenya


A plastic tube which comes in a paper box.


Benzoyl peroxide which kills the bacteria that cause acne. This helps it treat acne and prevent new breakouts. Benzoyl peroxide also helps the skin shed more effectively which prevents the dead skin cells from clogging the pores.

Panoxyl review in Kenya ingredients

Panoxyl contains 10% benzoyl peroxide which is the maximum strength acne treatment in Kenya and the rest of the world that can be purchased without a prescription. It is therefore strong enough to battle acne breakouts.

Click here to learn more about Acne Treatment in Kenya
Acne treatment in Kenya


It is a white cream.


It has a “clean” fragrance.


Panoxyl 10% Acne Foaming Wash can be used on the face, chest and back.

It clears existing acne blemishes and helps prevent new blemishes from forming.

It is formulated to be safe on the skin.

The website claims are as follows:

  • Maximum strength formula contains 10% benzoyl peroxide
  • Highest over the counter benzoyl peroxide wash available
  • Kills acne-causing bacteria fast
  • Acne treatment works to clean and unclog pores on face, chest and back
  • Clears existing acne and helps prevent new blemishes from forming
  • Helps the skin to shed more effectively to keep pores from becoming clogged
Buy Panoxyl 10% Acne Foaming Wash in Kenya


Panoxyl 10% Acne Foaming Wash is to be used as follows once or twice daily:

1.Wet the area to be cleansed.

2. Apply it to the area and massage it with your fingertips for 1-2 minutes.

3. Rinse it off thoroughly with lukewarm water.

4. Pat the area dry.

5. Use a non-comedogenic moisturizer to keep the area from drying. Ensure that you also use a non-comedogenic sunscreen.

Buy Panoxyl 10 cream in Kenya


Do not use Panoxyl 10% Acne Foaming Wash if you have very sensitive skin.

Do not use it if you are allergic to benzoyl peroxide.

Avoid applying it to the eyes, lips and mouth.

Avoid contact with hair and dyed fabrics as it may bleach them.

Avoid unnecessary sun exposure and use a sunscreen.

Skin irritation characterized by redness, burning, itching and peeling may occur. This can be reduced by using the product less frequently.


You can buy it from our Nairobi Almasi Skincare Store located in Moi Avenue, Sawa Mall, 3rd floor, Shop C15. Call 0721963156 or WhatsApp 254 721 963 156 to order. We deliver countrywide/worldwide.

Nairobi Almasi Skincare Shop


The price of Panoxyl 10% Acne Foaming Wash is Ksh 3000 for the 156 g product.

Panoxyl gel review

My Experience with Panoxyl Review in Kenya

I recommend Panoxyl 10% Acne Foaming Wash for persons with acne and acne-prone skin because it contains benzoyl peroxide which treats mild to moderate acne effectively. Clients who have used it report that it cleanses the skin well leaving it feeling fresh while it clears acne.

It is also a very effective body wash for treating back acne and chest acne.

Have you used Panoxyl 10% Acne Foaming Wash? What was your experience?

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