At Almasi Skincare we offer the best keratosis pilaris treatment in Nairobi Kenya by using prescription medications, dermatology procedures, and over-the-counter skincare products.

What Is Keratosis Pilaris?
Keratosis Pilaris (KP) is a skin condition that is also called chicken skin because of its appearance.
What Causes Keratosis Pilaris?
The cause of Keratosis Pilaris not known. However it is thought to develop due to a genetic mutation in filaggrin which results in excessive production of keratin. This excess keratin plugs the openings of the hair follicles.
KP often occurs in persons with atopic dermatitis and it is associated with ichthyosis vulgaris, keratosis pilaris atrophicans and erythromelanosis follicularis faciei et colli.
Medications like vemurafenib (Zelboraf) can also cause keratosis pilaris.
Dry skin makes KP worse and it is more common in winter.
What Are Keratosis Pilaris Symptoms?
Keratosis Pilaris symptoms include many small (1-2mm), rough bumps on the skin which give it a sandpaper feel and the appearance of chicken skin. These bumps are painless but they can be itchy. They are often skin colored or reddish but keratosis pilaris can be brown or black in persons with skin of color.
Skin with KP is usually dry and there may be redness surrounding the bumps.
These KP lesions usually develop on the arms and thighs. They often begin in childhood and early adolescence.

Keratosis Pilaris Diagnosis
The diagnosis of Keratosis Pilaris is made clinically after the Doctor listens to the patient’s symptoms and examines their skin.
Keratosis Pilaris Treatment in Nairobi Kenya
KP does not have a cure and it tends to reduce with age and time. However it is treated because of its cosmetic appearance.
The best keratosis pilaris treatment in Nairobi Kenya is offered at Almasi Skincare and it combines self-care measures with over-the-counter skincare products, prescription medications and dermatology procedures.
Self Care Measures For Keratosis Pilaris Treatment
Self care measures for keratosis pilaris treatment includes the following:
*Avoiding vigorous physical exfoliation of the skin for example with a loofah since it can lead to skin irritation.
*Avoiding long, hot baths since they can dry the skin.
*Avoiding tight clothing like spandex and thick clothing like wool.
The Best Keratosis Pilaris Treatment:
Skincare Products For Keratosis Pilaris Treatment
Skincare products for keratosis pilaris treatment include the following:
*Gentle cleansers that do not dry the skin.
*Moisturizers with ingredients like lactic acid, salicylic acid, AHAs, BHAs, ammonium lactate, urea to remove the dead skin cells and unclog the pores.
The best over the counter medicine for keratosis pilaris is Amlactin KP Bumps Be Gone because it contains 15% lactic acid. It softens and smoothens keratosis pilaris through gentle exfoliation. It can be purchased from our Nairobi Almasi Skincare Shop located on Moi Avenue, Sawa Mall, 3rd floor, Shop C15. Call 0721 963 156 or WhatsApp +254 721 963 156 to order. We deliver countrywide/worldwide. It costs Ksh 3000.

Cerave SA Smoothing Cream is another excellent skincare product for the treatment of keratosis pilaris because it contains salicylic acid and urea. It also softens and smoothens keratosis pilaris through gentle exfoliation. It can be purchased from our Nairobi Almasi Skincare Shop located on Moi Avenue, Sawa Mall, 3rd floor, Shop C15. Call 0721 963 156 or WhatsApp +254 721 963 156 to order. We deliver countrywide/worldwide. It costs Ksh 3000.

The Best Keratosis Pilaris Treatment:
Prescription Medications for Keratosis Pilaris
Prescription medications used for keratosis pilaris treatment include the following:
*Topical corticosteroid creams are used if the lesions are itchy.
*Topical retinoids like tretinoin and adapalene are also used to treat KP.
Dermatology Procedures for Keratosis Pilaris Treatment
Dermatology procedures used for keratosis pilaris treatment include the following:
*Microdermabrasion is a painless procedure in which a device with a diamond tip is used to remove the dead cells on the surface of the skin. This flattens the rough bumps and smoothens the skin.
At Almasi Skincare we offer microdermabrasion for keratosis pilaris treatment. This is the most effective treatment for keratosis pilaris because it smoothens the skin and gets rid of the KP bumps faster than applying skincare products.
Laser Therapy
Laser therapy is also used for keratosis pilaris treatment.
Does Vaseline Cure Keratosis Pilaris?
Vaseline does not cure keratosis pilaris because it does not remove the rough bumps from the skin.
Is Keratosis Pilaris A Vitamin Deficiency?
Yes, keratosis pilaris is associated with vitamin C deficiency. It develops after 3-5 months of poor intake and resolves once the deficiency is corrected. However, this does not mean that all persons with KP have vitamin C deficiency because there are many other causative factors.
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