At Almasi Skincare we offer the best alopecia or hair loss treatment in Nairobi Kenya.

What is Alopecia or Hair Loss?
Hair loss or alopecia is a group of conditions which cause the hair to fall off from the head and other hair-bearing areas of the body like the chin and armpits. These conditions include alopecia areata, anagen effluvium, androgenetic alopecia, chemical alopecia, telogen effluvium, tinea capitis, traction alopecia and trichotillomania.

What Causes Hair Loss in Kenya?
The causes of hair loss in Kenya depend on the type of hair loss and are as follows:
Alopecia areata develops when cells from the immune system attack the hair follicles.
Anagen effluvium commonly develops after taking chemotherapy or cancer treatment medications.
Androgenetic alopecia is caused by genes and hormones.
Telogen effluvium develops due to psychological stress, severe illness, surgical operations, pregnancy, weight loss and after taking medications like anticonvulsants, anticoagulants and oral contraceptives (birth control pills).
Tinea capitis is caused by a fungal infection of the scalp.
Traction alopecia is caused by tight hair styles.
Trichotillomania is a psychiatric condition in which a person pulls out their own hair.
Scalp diseases like folliculitis decalvans, dissecting cellulitis and lichen planopilaris also cause hair loss.
Systemic diseases like iron deficiency anemia, thyroid dysfunction, lupus erythematosus and syphilis also cause hair loss.


Alopecia or Hair Loss Symptoms
The symptoms of alopecia depend on the specific type of hair loss.
Symptoms of alopecia areata include smooth hairless patches without scarring on the scalp, beard and other hair bearing areas of the body.

Symptoms of anagen effluvium include sudden loss of a large amount of hair from the scalp, eyebrows and other hair bearing areas of the body.
Symptoms of androgenic alopecia in men (male pattern hair loss) include a receding hair line and hair loss which begins at the temples to form “M” shaped baldness. Symptoms of androgenic alopecia in women (female pattern hair loss) include thinning of the hair around the crown of the head and widening of the midline part.
Symptoms of chemical alopecia include hair loss that develops after applying chemicals on the scalp.
Symptoms of telogen effluvium include the increased amount of hair shedding typically seen as clumps of hair in the hair brush or sink.
Symptoms of tinea capitis include patches without hair on the scalp which may have black dots that represent the broken off hairs.

Symptoms of traction alopecia include hair loss along the hair line. There may also be redness and inflammation of the hair follicles (folliculitis) together with pus filled swellings.

Symptoms of trichotillomania include bald patches on the scalp associated with an uncontrollable urge to pull the hair.
Alopecia or Hair Loss Diagnosis
A diagnosis of alopecia is made after a doctor takes a medical history, examines the patients hair, does a hair pull test and a skin biopsy in some cases. Skin scrapings may also be done as well as blood tests.

Alopecia or Hair Loss Treatment in Nairobi Kenya
At Almasi Skincare we offer alopecia or hair loss treatment for men and women in Nairobi Kenya. This treatment of alopecia depends on the specific type of hair loss. It is important to note that male hair loss can be cured by using a combination of treatments offered at Almasi Skincare like PRP therapy and prescription medications.

The treatment of alopecia areata includes the use of prescription medications applied on the scalp. Intralesional steroid injections offered at Almasi Skincare are also used to treat some cases of alopecia areata.
The treatment of anagen effluvium includes wearing wigs while taking the cancer medications.

The treatment of androgenetic alopecia includes the use of prescription medications applied on the scalp. Laser caps like the Hairmax Laser 272 Cap can also be used by persons with male and female type hair loss.
PRP therapy offered at Almasi Skincare is the best treatment for men with this type of hair loss. It results in hair regrowing on the bald patches as seen in the pictures below.

The treatment of telogen effluvium includes treating the underlying cause regardless of whether it is a physical illness or psychological stress.

The treatment of tinea capitis includes the use of antifungal creams like clotrimazole and prescription antifungal tablets.

The treatment of traction alopecia includes avoiding hairstyles that pull the hair. PRP Therapy offered at Almasi Skincare is also effective treatment for persons with traction alopecia and intact hair follicles.
The treatment of trichotillomania includes the use of psychiatric medications.
Men with hair loss from all causes can wear male wigs or toupees. Women with hair loss from all causes can wear turbans or headscarves and female wigs.
To book your appointment for alopecia or hair loss treatment in Nairobi Kenya call 0721 963 156 or email almasiskincare(at)gmail(dot)com

What Non-Prescription Product Can I Use For Hair Loss?
Mielle Rosemary Mint Hair Oil is an effective hair product for hair loss since it contains rosemary which has been proven to be effective for stimulating hair growth. This hair strengthening oil has also been infused with biotin and it helps improve hair length retention. It also nourishes hair and conditions the scalp.
I highly recommend Mielle Rosemary Mint Scalp and Hair Oil because it is an excellent product with an Amazon rating of 4.5 out of 5 by more than 100,000 people. It can be purchased from our Nairobi Almasi Skincare Store. Call 0721 963 156 or WhatsApp +254 721 963 156 to order and for countrywide/ worldwide delivery.


How Do You Stop Hair Breakage?
To stop hair breakage do the following:
*Avoid heat treatment by sticking to heat free hairstyles or using heat protecting sprays.
*Avoid chemical processes e.g. relaxers and coloring. Or get them done by a professional.
*Ban tight hairstyles like ponytails, cornrows, braids.
*Snip split ends
*Eat a balanced diet with protein (e.g. beans, eggs), biotin (e.g. peanuts), zinc (e.g. pumpkin seeds), iron (e.g. dark green leafy vegetables), selenium (e.g. eggs)
*Stop smoking as it damages hair follicles and can speed up hair loss.
*Consult our Doctor to rule out medical causes of hair loss like anemia and thyroid problems

How Do You Stop Hair Breakage When Shampooing?
To stop hair breakage when shampooing do the following?
*Detangle the hair with a detangler instead of tagging at it which causes hair breakage. You can use Sheth Naturals Instant Conditioner
*Prepoo the hair before shampooing by applying coconut oil and wearing a plastic ap for 15-30 minutes. Coconut oil penetrates the hair shaft and reduces the amount of moisture lost during the washing process which in turn reduces hair breakage. You can use Sheth Naturals Coconut Oil
*Shampoo with a moisturizing shampoo that cleans the hair without stripping it of moisture e.g. Sheth Naturals Moisturizing Shampoo Bar
*Condition the hair after shampooing e.g. with Sheth Naturals Deep Conditioner
*Seal the moisture in the hair strands with a sealing oil like jojoba e.g. with Sheth Naturals Jojoba Oil

What Are The Best Supplements For Hair Loss Treatment?
The following supplements are used for hair loss treatment:
Biotin or vitamin B7 plays a role in the production of keratin and hair is made of keratin.
Zinc is important because low levels have been linked to hair loss and poor wound healing.
Iron is important because iron deficiency has been linked to hair loss.
*Vitamin D
Lack of vitamin D has been linked to shedding and hair loss.
*Vitamin C
Vitamin C improves blood circulation to the scalp and consequently to the hair follicle. It is also vital for iron absorption.
*B Complex Vitamins
These are important to strengthen and condition the hair.

What Medications Cause Hair Loss?
Medications that cause hair loss include the following:
*Acne medications like isotretinoin
*Antifungals like voriconazole
*Blood thinners like warfarin, heparin
*Cholesterol lowering drugs like simvastatin, atorvastatin
*High blood pressure medications like propranolol, atenolol, enalapril, captopril

What Does PRP Do for Hair Loss?
PRP which stands for Platelet Rich Plasma is obtained from a person’s blood. It has been proven by studies to be effective treatment for hair loss because PRP contains growth factors which stimulate the hair follicles.
PRP hair treatment increases hair growth, increases hair density and increases hair diameter which results in longer, thicker hair. PRP Hair Treatment is therefore the best hair treatment in Nairobi Kenya. It is important to note that this number 1 treatment for hair loss in the world is also effective for treating African hair loss. Call 0721 963 156 to book an appointment with our Doctor for PRP Hair Treatment today.

Where Can I Get PRP Hair Treatment in Nairobi Kenya?
You can get PRP Hair Treatment done at Almasi Skincare Clinic. This Platelet Rich Plasmas treatment uses growth factors from your blood to boost hair growth. It has been scientifically proven to stimulate hair growth, increase hair density and improve hair diameter which makes the hair thicker. To book an appointment with our Doctor call 0721 963 156.
How Much Does PRP Cost In Kenya?
The cost of PRP in Kenya depends on the facility offering it and ranges from Ksh 7,000 to Ksh 40,000. At Almasi Skincare, the cost of PRP is Ksh 10,000 per session.
Which Hair Loss Treatment Is Best For Men?
PRP is the best hair loss treatment for men with androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata. It results in bald men regrowing hair.
