Hair Care Acne

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Hair Care Acne Symptoms

Hair care acne is characterized by

* Getting acne white heads, black heads, pimples and nodules mainly around the hairline, forehead and the back of the neck. When they develop on the hairline it is known as hairline acne.

* Getting acne after styling your hair.

* Using natural hair care products that cause acne because they contain comedogenic ingredients like beeswax, cocoa butter and coconut oil.

* Styling your hair with fringes and bangs which bring hair to your face as this causes hairline acne and acne on other parts of the face like the forehead and cheeks.

* Shampooing your hair after washing your face.

hair care acne symptoms
Hair care acne symptoms and treatment

Hair Care Acne Treatment

To treat hair acne or hairline acne caused by poor hair care habits do the following:

* First shampoo your hair and then wash your face to remove any residue from hair care products on your face and stop hairline acne.

* Do not use shampoos with comedogenic ingredients like sodium lauryl sulfate.

* Do not style your hair with fringes, bangs or other hairstyles that bring hair to your face.

* Use a face shield to protect your face when spraying products onto your hair. Click here to buy a face shield

* Do not use natural hair care products with comedogenic (pore clogging) ingredients like beeswax, cocoa butter, coconut oil and shea butter on your hair.

* Use hair care products with the following terms on their labels – non-comedogenic, non-acnegenic, oil-free, won’t clog pores.

*Regularly wash items that come in contact with your hair and face to keep them clean as this keep them from transfering comedogenic hair care products to your face. These items include pillowcases, hats and caps.

Hair care acne treatment
To learn more, click here to buy Natural Adult Acne Treatment for Hair Care Acne
Natural Adult Acne Treatment for Bad Hair Habits Acne


Hair Acne FAQ

How Do I get Rid of Acne on My Scalp?

Scalp acne is caused by hair product buildup, dead skin cells and oils clogging the skin pores or pilosebaceous units on the scalp. This traps bacteria within them leading to inflammation and the development of pimples on the scalp.

To get rid of acne on the scalp use a clarifying shampoo once a week. Use hair care products with tea tree oil to reduce the bacteria. Salicylic acid is another important ingredient as it helps exfoliate the scalp. Another vital ingredient for treating scalp acne is activated charcoal since it absorbs the excess oil and clears the pores.

A good example is Neutrogena T/Sal Therapeutic Shampoo. It contains 3% salicylic acid and it clears scalp build up and removes flakes. It is useful for treating dandruff, scalp psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis.

Not wearing tight hats is another thing you can do to aid the treatment of scalp acne. To prevent scalp acne, ensure that you wash your hair after exercising. Make sure that you also do not use excess hair products like sprays and especially those with oils and waxes that clog the skin pores.

In addition, Consult our Doctor since pimples on the scalp may be caused by scalp diseases like lichen planopilaris and discoid lupus erythematosus especially if they are associated with other symptoms like itching, flaking and pain.

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