Almasi Skincare hosts monthly Eczema Workshops Online.
These workshops are also for patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals who want learn how to manage eczema better.
The eczema workshops are adapted for the following age groups:
*Babies and children up to 5 years
*Children from 6 years to 12 years
Please let us know which workshop you would like to attend when you book your session.
To book your Online Eczema Workshop send an email to AlmasiSkincare@gmail.com

Topics For Eczema Workshops Online
Topics to be discussed include the following:
What is eczema?
What causes eczema?
What are the different types of eczema?
What things make eczema worse?
How is eczema treated?
Why does eczema come back?
What are the 5 pillars of eczema?
What are the best skincare practices for eczema?
What is the 3 minute rule for eczema?
What is the food and eczema connection?
What is the eczema diet?
To book your Online Eczema Workshop send an email to AlmasiSkincare@gmail.com
Eczema Workshops Online Benefits
Participants will learn about eczema and how to manage it and this will improve their quality of life.
Participants will get their questions answered if they send them beforehand.
Participants will get a free Eczema Diary that will help them identify and avoid their eczema triggers.
Participants will get lists of recommended eczema products.
Studies have shown that eczema workshops help reduce the severity of eczema and by following the guidelines taught in the workshop, you eczema may improve.
To book your Online Eczema Workshop send an email to AlmasiSkincare@gmail.com
Dr. Miriam who has received specialized training in dermatology and has successfully treated hundreds of eczema patients.
To book your Online Eczema Workshop send an email to AlmasiSkincare@gmail.com
Eczema Workshops Online Price
The price for the Eczema Workshops Online is Ksh 3000 or US $30.
To book your Online Eczema Workshop send an email to AlmasiSkincare@gmail.com