Diseases Associated With Psoriasis

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Diseases associated with psoriasis are also known as psoriasis comorbidities. These conditions are thought to develop due to the chronic low-grade inflammation present in psoriasis. Early psoriasis treatment is therefore very important since it can prevent the development of some of theses diseases linked to psoriasis.

Diseases associated with psoriasis

What Is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin condition whose symptoms depend on the type of psoriasis.

Plaque psoriasis is the most common type of psoriasis and its symptoms include raised patches with silvery-white scales which may be itchy.

Pictures of psoriasis plaque psoriasis


Pictures of psoriasis on black skin, plaque psoriasis

Guttate psoriasis symptoms include small, red or purplish dots which are usually on the trunk and limbs.

Pictures of psoriasis guttate psoriasis

Pustular psoriasis symptoms include pus filled swellings surrounded by red skin which are usually on the hands and feet but can cover the entire body.

Pictures of psoriasis pustular psoriasis

Inverse psoriasis symptoms include smooth, red patches in the groin, armpits and underneath the breasts.

Pictures of psoriasis inverse psoriasis on penis

Erythrodermic psoriasis symptoms include red, scaly skin over most of the body.

Pictures of psoriasis erythrodermic psoriasis


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Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA)

Approximately 30% of persons with psoriasis develop PsA. Symptoms of PsA include joint pain, joint stiffness, swelling of the soft tissues around the joint and decreased range of movement of the joint. PsA also causes swollen fingers and toes, pitted nails and pain in the areas where the tendons and ligaments attach to the bones.

Consequently, persons with psoriasis should be evaluated for PsA and treated if they have it to prevent permanent joint damage. Therefore, consult our Doctor for PsA evaluation.

Persons with psoriasis who do not have PsA should reduce their chances of developing it by following these lifestyle modifications for psoriasis treatment.

Pictures of psoriasis arthritis


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Diseases Associated With Psoriasis: Metabolic Syndrome

A study found that 20-50% of people with psoriasis have Metabolic Syndrome (MetS).

Metabolic syndrome is characterized by the following:

*High blood pressure

*High blood sugar levels due to insulin resistance

*High blood fats (dyslipidemia)

*Large waist circumference (waist circumference in men should be less than 40 inches (102 cm) and less than 35 inches (88 cm) in women)

Metabolic Syndrome increases a person’s risk of developing coronary heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Consequently, persons with psoriasis should be evaluated for MetS and treated if they have it. Therefore, consult our Doctor for metabolic syndrome evaluation.

Persons with psoriasis who do not have MetS should modify their lifestyles so that they can reduce their risk of developing it by doing the following:

*Following a Mediterranean Diet because it reduces the risk of developing hypertension, high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes.

Click on the link to read about the Mediterranean Diet

*Exercising regularly

*Loosing excess body weight

Metabolic syndrome - diseases associated with psoriasis


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Diseases Associated With Psoriasis: Diabetes

A study found that people with psoriasis were more likely to develop type 2 diabetes and this risk increased as the severity of the psoriasis increased.

Consequently, persons with psoriasis should be evaluated for diabetes and treated if they have it. Therefore, consult our Doctor for diabetes evaluation.

Persons with psoriasis who do not have diabetes should modify their lifestyles so that they can reduce their risk of developing it by doing the following:

*Following a Mediterranean Diet because it reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Click on the link to read about the Mediterranean Diet

*Loosing weight if obese or overweight to reduce the chances of getting diabetes.

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Diseases Associated With Psoriasis: Heart Disease

A study found that people with psoriasis are at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease like atherosclerosis. This risk is increased if they have other risk factors like high blood pressure, high LDL (bad) cholesterol and obesity.

Atherosclerosis is hardening of the arteries due to a build up of plaque and it causes heart attack, stroke, angina (chest pain), erectile dysfunction, aneurysm, vascular dementia, peripheral artery disease (PAD) and limb loss.

Consequently, persons with psoriasis should be evaluated for cardiovascular disease and treated if they have it. Therefore, consult our Doctor for cardiovascular evaluation.

Persons with psoriasis who do not have cardiovascular disease should modify their lifestyles so that they can reduce their risk of developing it by doing the following:

*Following a Mediterranean Diet because it reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases like heart attack and stroke.

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Diseases Associated With Psoriasis: Lung Disease

A study found that chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma and other lung diseases are common in people with psoriasis.

Consequently, persons with psoriasis should be evaluated for lung diseases and treated if they them. Therefore, consult our Doctor for lung disease evaluation.

Persons with psoriasis who do not have lung disease should consult a Pulmonologist to have lung function test done and avoid COPD risk factors like air pollution, chemical fumes and dust. They should also follow these lifestyle modifications for psoriasis treatment.

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Diseases Associated With Psoriasis: Kidney Disease

A study found that persons with psoriasis had a higher risk of developing chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end stage renal disease (ESRD).

Consequently, persons with psoriasis should be evaluated for kidney diseases and treated if they have them to prevent lifelong dialysis or kidney transplantation. Therefore, consult our Doctor for kidney disease evaluation.

Persons with psoriasis who do not have kidney disease should reduce their chances of developing it by following these lifestyle modifications for psoriasis treatment.

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Diseases Associated With Psoriasis: Liver Disease

A study found that persons with psoriasis had a higher risk of developing liver disease like non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), drug-induced hepatitis, alcoholic hepatitis and neutrophilic cholangitis

Consequently, persons with psoriasis should be evaluated for liver diseases and treated if they have them to prevent liver cirrhosis and liver failure. Therefore, consult our Doctor for liver disease evaluation.

Persons with psoriasis who do not have liver disease should reduce their chances of developing it by following these lifestyle modifications for psoriasis treatment.

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Diseases Associated With Psoriasis: Eye Disease

A study found that 7-20% of people with psoriasis had uveitis. Symptoms of uveitis include pain, redness, light sensitivity and blurred vision. Blindness can even develop if it is not treated.

Consequently, persons with psoriasis should be evaluated for eye diseases and treated if they have them. Therefore, consult an Ophthalmologist for yearly eye disease evaluation.

Persons with psoriasis who do not have eye disease should reduce their chances of developing it by following these lifestyle modifications for psoriasis treatment.

Uveitis pictures of diseases associated with psoriasis


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Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

A study found that persons with psoriasis had 1.6 times more risk of developing ulcerative colitis which is one of the IBD. 9.6% of patients with Crohn’s disease, which is another IBD, had psoriasis.

Consequently, persons with psoriasis should be evaluated for inflammatory bowel diseases and treated if they them. Therefore, consult our Doctor for inflammatory bowel disease evaluation.

Persons with psoriasis who do not have IBD should reduce their chances of developing it by following these lifestyle modifications for psoriasis treatment.

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Celiac Disease

A study found that persons with psoriasis had an increased risk of developing celiac disease.

Consequently, persons with psoriasis should be evaluated for symptoms of celiac disease which include diarrhea, flatulence, fatigue and iron-deficiency anemia. It they have these symptoms they should get the IgA EMA test (anti-endomysial antibody test) or the IgA tTG antibodies test. If the tests are positive, they should follow a gluten-free diet as it may reduce the psoriasis symptoms. This gluten-free diet involves avoiding foods with wheat, rye, barley and triticale.

Persons with psoriasis who do not have celiac disease should reduce their chances of developing it by following these lifestyle modifications for psoriasis treatment.

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Diseases Associated With Psoriasis: Mental Health Disorders

A study found that patients with psoriasis are:

*1.5 times more likely to have symptoms of depression than those without psoriasis. Another study found that these comorbidities formed a vicious cycle since increased psoriasis increased depression and increased depression increased psoriasis.

*20-50% more likely to have symptoms of anxiety than those without psoriasis

*12.7% more likely to have suicidal ideation than those without psoriasis

*2.82% more likely to have symptoms of schizophrenia than those without psoriasis

The psoriasis skin lesions can also lead to a sense of shame, low self esteem, isolation, social withdrawal and stigmatization.

Consequently, persons with psoriasis should be evaluated for depression and other mental health disorders and treated if they have them. Therefore, consult a Psychiatrist for mental health evaluation.

Persons with psoriasis who do not have mental health disorders should reduce their chances of developing it by following these lifestyle modifications for psoriasis treatment.

Depression pictures of diseases associated with psoriasis


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Sleep Disorders

A study found that sleep disorders are common in people with psoriasis. These sleep disorders include:

*Sleep apnea


*Restless leg syndrome

These sleep disorders were found to also increase the risk of other psoriasis comorbidities like diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, depression and anxiety.

Consequently, persons with psoriasis should be evaluated for sleep disorders and treated if they have them since it was found that treatment of sleep apnea with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) resulted in an improvement of psoriasis lesions. Therefore, consult our Doctor for sleep disorders evaluation.

Persons with psoriasis who do not have sleep disorders should modify their lifestyles so that they can reduce their risk of developing it by doing the following:

*Following a Mediterranean Diet because it has been linked to better quality sleep.

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Parkinson’s Disease

A study found psoriasis increased the progression of Parkinson’s disease in persons who had it.

Consequently, persons with psoriasis should be evaluated for Parkinson’s disease and both treated. Therefore, consult our Doctor today.

Persons with psoriasis who do not have Parkinson’s disease should modify their lifestyles so that they can reduce their risk of developing it by doing the following:

*Following a Mediterranean Diet because it reduces the risk of developing dementia.

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Parkinson's disease pictures of diseases associated with psoriasis


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Diseases Associated With Psoriasis: Cancer

A study found that persons with psoriasis had an increased risk of developing all cancers and specifically:

*Non-melanoma skin cancer


*Lung cancer

*Pancreatic cancer

*Liver cancer

*Esophageal cancer

*Oral cancer

This is mainly due to the chronic low-grade inflammation present in psoriasis. Other factors contributing to cancer in persons with psoriasis include obesity, cigarettes smoking and alcohol use.

Consequently, persons with psoriasis should be evaluated for cancer and treated if they have it. Therefore, consult our Doctor for cancer evaluation.

Persons with psoriasis who do not have cancer should modify their lifestyles so that they can reduce their risk of developing it by doing the following:

*Following a Mediterranean Diet because it reduces the risk of developing cancers of the breast, lung, colorectal, head and neck.

Click on the link to read about the Mediterranean Diet


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Autoimmune Diseases

A study found that psoriasis is associated with autoimmune disorders like systemic lupus erythematosus (Iupus), autoimmune thyroid disease, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), especially Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Sjögren’s syndrome, vitiligo, and alopecia areata.

Consequently, persons with psoriasis should be evaluated for auto-immune diseases and treated if they have them. Therefore, consult our Doctor for auto-immune disease evaluation.

Persons with psoriasis who do not have autoimmune diseases should reduce their chances of developing them by following these lifestyle modifications for psoriasis treatment.

Lupus SLE pictures of diseases associated with psoriasis


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What are the complications of psoriasis?

Complications of psoriasis include arthritis, heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. These are also classified as illnesses linked to psoriasis because they are more likely to develop in persons with psoriasis.

Is psoriasis contagious?

No, psoriasis is not contagious.

Is psoriasis dangerous?

Yes, psoriasis is dangerous if it is not treated since it can lead to the development of the diseases linked to psoriasis that have been discussed above.

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