It is important to know about acne mimickers or the conditions confused for acne in Kenya because treating these conditions as acne results in the person being labelled as having “resistant acne” or “acne that does not respond to treatment”.

Rosacea is one of the conditions confused for acne in Kenya and in the rest of the world. Symptoms of rosacea include small red bumps on the skin some of which have pus (papules and pustules). The skin also tends to be red with dilated blood vessels (telangiectasia) especially on the cheeks and nose. It is also usually sensitive and may burn or sting. There is usually flushing of the skin which is triggered by heat, hot drinks, spicy food and emotions. There may also be phymatous changes of the nose. Contact our Skin Doctor today for effective rosacea treatment in Nairobi Kenya.

Sebaceous Hyperplasia
Sebaceous hyperplasia is one of the conditions confused for acne in Kenya and in the rest of the world. Symptoms of sebaceous hyperplasia include yellowish bumps (papules) around hair follicles. They usually develop on the forehead and cheeks due to enlargement of the oil glands. They are common in immunosuppressed persons and in transplant patients. A skin biopsy may need to be done in some cases to rule out basal cell carcinoma (BCC). Contact our Skin Doctor today for effective sebaceous hyperplasia treatment in Nairobi Kenya.

Periorifical Dermatitis
Periorificial dermatitis is one of the conditions confused for acne in Kenya and in the rest of the world. Symptoms of periorificial dermatitis include many small bumps (papules) around the eyes, nose and lips which may be itchy. When it is around the mouth it is known as perioral dermatitis and it is associated with applying corticosteroid medications to the face. Contact our Skin Doctor today for effective periorificial dermatitis treatment in Nairobi Kenya.

Folliculitis is one of the skin infections that look like acne in Kenya and in the rest of the world. Symptoms of folliculitis include small, painful bumps with pus (pustules) with a hair follicle in the centre of each one. They are caused by bacterial infection of the hair follicle. Contact our Skin Doctor today for effective folliculitis treatment in Nairobi Kenya.

Pityrosporum Folliculitis
Pityrosporum folliculitis is another of the skin infections that look like acne and it is even called fungal acne. Symptoms of pityrosporum folliculitis include small bumps on the skin which may have pus (papules and pustules). They may be itchy. They are caused by fungal infection of the hair follicle. Contact our Skin Doctor today for effective pityrosporum folliculitis treatment in Nairobi Kenya.

Acneiform Eruptions
Acneiform eruptions are a group of disorders that causes an acne-like rash on the face. Symptoms of acneiform eruptions include small bumps on the skin some of which have pus (papules and pustules). They are usually of uniform size, arise abruptly and can itch. Acneiform eruptions are caused by medications (like oral corticosteroids), hormonal imbalances, metabolic derangements and generic disorders, Contact our Skin Doctor today for effective acneiform eruption treatment in Nairobi Kenya.

Milia is one of the acne mimicking diseases. Symptoms of milia include small yellowish or whitish bumps on the skin (subepidermal papules). These keratin cysts develop when dead skin cells get trapped in the skin pore. They can occur spontaneously on the skin or after blistering diseases and cosmetic procedures. Contact our Skin Doctor today for effective milia treatment in Nairobi Kenya.

Miliaria is another of the acne mimicking diseases. Symptoms of miliaria include small bumps on the skin which are topped by fluid-filled vesicles. Miliaria rubra is the most common type and it occurs after exposure to hot and humid environments where one sweats excessively. It is usually itchy and sterile pus can develop (miliaria rubra pustulosa). These lesions develop when the eccrine sweat glands get blocked and sweat seeps into the epidermis and dermis layers of the skin. Contact our Skin Doctor today for effective miliaria treatment in Nairobi Kenya.

Keratosis Pilaris
Keratosis pilaris is one of the conditions confused for acne in Kenya and in the rest of the world. Symptoms of keratosis pilaris include dry, rough bumps which usually develop on the upper arms and thighs. The excess keratin in the hair follicles can make them to be confused for acne pimples Contact our Skin Doctor today for effective keratosis pilaris treatment in Nairobi Kenya.

Conditions Confused for Acne in Kenya Treatment
The treatment of these conditions varies and depends on their causes. Therefore, if you have any of these skin conditions confused for acne in Kenya consult our Skin Doctor today so that you can receive the correct treatment for your condition.
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