Almasi Skincare offers comedone extractions in Nairobi Kenya to treat acne.
What are Comedone Extractions?
Acne breakouts develop when the pilosebaceous unit (skin pore) is blocked and comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) form. Comedone extraction is therefore a procedure which is done to remove these blockages from the skin pores.
During a comedone extraction procedure the skin is cleansed with warm water and steamed to help open the pores and loosen the material that is trapped within them. A warm compress can also be placed applied on the area for 5 minutes to open the pores.
A special tool known as a Shamberg comedone extractor or blackhead extractor or acne extraction tool or acne remover is then used to physically remove the dead skin cells and sebum that block the skin pore.
This comedone extractor should be sterilized with a cotton ball soaked in surgical spirit before being placed over the blackhead. The hole on one end of the comedone extractor is placed over blackhead and gentle pressure applied on one side to remove the material that is trapped in the blackhead. Some comedone extractors have a sharp lancet on the other end. This lancet can be used to puncture whiteheads so that the sebum can come out. The skin should be cleansed after blackhead extraction and the comedone extractor cleaned in hot, soapy water. This procedure should be repeated monthly as new comedones form.

Comedone Extractions in Nairobi Kenya Benefits
A study found that comedone extractions are effective for preventing the development of inflamed acne lesions.
Comedone extraction also results in rapid improvement of the acne. It is even more effective when done at the right time since a study proposed that extracting the comedones at ovulation could result in reduced inflamed acne lesions in women with premenstrual acne.
Adverse Effects of Comedone Extractions
Adverse effects of this comedone extractions include pain, scarring and infection. Incomplete extractions and tissue damage are other adverse effects.
Comedone Extractions in Nairobi Kenya Safety
Comedone extaction should only be done on acne lesions that are not inflamed and by a trained person.
Do Dermatologists Do Pore Extractions?
Yes, dermatologists and skin doctors do pore extractions.
Is It Safe To Use A Comedone Extractor?
Using a comedone extractor if you are not trained can result in you getting acne scars and infection.
To book your comedone extractions in Nairobi Kenya please email almasiskincare@gmail.com