Collagen Banking in Nairobi Kenya

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Collagen banking in Nairobi Kenya is the process of stimulating collagen production so that the body stores it for future use.

What Is Collagen?

Collagen is a protein found in the body that is responsible for keeping the skin firm, plump and bouncy. Cells in the body known as fibroblasts normally produces collagen however collagen production declines as we age and we loose 1% every year from the age of 25 years as part of the natural aging process. This results in the development of fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin. Other factors that result in collagen depletion include unprotected sun exposure and smoking.

We lose 1% collagen from the age of 25

Collagen banking aims to help the body produce more collagen before the its production starts declining so that it can be used later to deal with the fine lines and wrinkles. The goal of this proactive approach to aging is to preserve the youthful appearance instead of fighting wrinkles. This helps a person maintain their youthful looks for longer.

Collagen banking in Nairobi Kenya

Collagen Banking in Nairobi Kenya

At Almasi Skincare we offer collagen banking in Nairobi Kenya through the use of aesthetic medicine procedures like microneedling and PRP therapy.


Microneedling is also known as collagen induction therapy and it is a very effective method of stimulating collagen production. This is because microneedles are used to cause controlled injury to the skin which results in the production of collagen and elastin to heal the skin. The result of this procedure is a more youthful appearance.

Click here to learn more about Microneedling
Microneedling with PRP for collagen banking

PRP Therapy

PRP Therapy involves taking blood from a person and extracting the plasma that is rich in growth factors from it. This plasma is then used to stimulate collagen production.

Click here to learn more about PRP Therapy

At Almasi Skincare we combine Microneedling with PRP to perform a procedure that is very effective in stimulating collagen production. Contact our Doctor to book your appointment today.

Nairobi skin clinic
online skin clinic doctor
Contact us for info on collagen banking