Collagen Banking At Home

Nairobi skin clinic for collagen banking at home
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Collagen banking at home is the process of doing activities that stimulate your body’s production of collagen. This helps you maintain your youthful appearance for longer since the body is able to utilize this new collagen when its collagen production decreases with age.

Collagen banking at home

Collagen Banking At Home With Skincare Products


Wearing sunscreen is the most important thing you can do for collagen banking at home since UVA rays from the sun cause collagen breakdown and are responsible for 80% of the signs of skin aging. Therefore if you want to look younger than your age, ensure that you wear sunscreen every day.

We recommend La Roche Posay Invisible Fluid Sunscreen because it can be used by persons with dry skin, sensitive skin, oily and acne prone skin.

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buy La Roche Posay Sunscreen


How to look younger than your age by collagen banking at home

Skincare products that you can use for collagen banking at home should contain the following ingredients:


Retinol stimulates collagen production which makes it beneficial for collagen banking.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is required for collagen production and this makes it vital for collagen banking. It is also a potent antioxidant that protects the skin from free radical damage.


Peptides support collagen synthesis and this makes them beneficial for collagen banking.


Niacinamide boosts collagen production and this makes it beneficial for collagen banking.

Collagen Banking With Lifestyle Choices

Lifestyle choices that can help you with collagen banking at home include the following:

Stop Smoking

Stop smoking since it accelerates collagen breakdown. If you need help, Consult our Doctor to enroll in our Smoking Cessation Program.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Reduce alcohol consumption since when taken in excess it accelerates collagen production.

Manage Stress Effectively

Manage stress effectively since it can negatively affect collagen production. To do this you can begin by exercising aerobically for 30 minutes thrice a week. This is doubly beneficial since it reduces circulating stress hormones and improves blood supply to the skin which is required for collagen production. If you need additional help, Consult our Doctor to enroll in our Stress Management Workshops.

How to look younger

Collagen Banking With Diet

Foods that you can eat to help you with collagen banking at home include the following:

Bone Broth

Bone broth contains bio-available collagen that the body utilizes to make its own collagen. To make your own, simmer cow, chicken or pig bones and connective tissue in water for many hours.


Chicken contains a lot of connective tissue which makes it a good source of collagen.


Salmon and other fatty fish are also sources of amino acids that are used to make collagen.

Vitamin C Rich Foods

Vitamin C rich foods like citrus fruits, berries and dark green leafy vegetables provide the body with this nutrient that is integral for collagen synthesis.

How to look younger

If you want faster results, Consult our Doctor so that you can have dermatological procedures which boost collagen production done. These include Microneedling and PRP Therapy. You can also obtain a prescription of retinoids which have been clinically proven to stimulate the collagen producing cells known as fibroblasts.

Nairobi skin clinic
online skin clinic doctor
Contact us for info on collagen banking at home