The Best Teas For Menopause Symptoms

This blog post on the best teas for menopause teaches you about the drinks for menopause symptom relief of hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, belly fat, brain fog, depression, digestive issues, fatigue, hair issues, irritability, itchy skin, joint pains, mood swings, night sweats, sexual problems, sleep disturbances, tinnitus, and weight gain. Click on the link […]

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The Ordinary Ascorbic Acid + Alpha Arbutin Review In Kenya

This The Ordinary Ascorbic Acid + Alpha Arbutin review in Nairobi Kenya teaches you about the ingredients, formulation, benefits and price of this awesome vitamin C serum. It can be purchased from our Nairobi Almasi Skincare Shop located on Moi Avenue, Sawa Mall, 3rd floor, Shop C15. WhatsApp +254 721 963 156 to order. We […]

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The Best Menopause Herbs

This blog post on the best menopause herbs teaches you about the herbs you can consume to relieve menopause symptoms. It teaches you about the benefits of black cohosh and red clover which are the best alternative medicine herbs for menopause. It also teaches you about Ayurvedic herbs for menopause like ashwagandha and licorice. Click […]

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Mental Health Effects Of Hair Loss

The mental health effects of hair loss or alopecia include the following: *Anxiety *Depression – a study found that persons with major depressive disorder had and increased risk of developing alopecia areata and those with alopecia areata also had an increased risk of developing depression. *Stress – stress can develop as a result of hair […]

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Recurrent Oral Candidiasis Treatment in Nairobi Kenya

At Almasi Skincare, we offer the best recurrent oral candidiasis treatment in Nairobi Kenya which uses prescription medications, over-the-counter products and lifestyle modifications. What Is Oral Candidiasis? Oral candidiasis is also known as oral thrush and it is a fungal infection of the mouth. What Is Recurrent Oral Candidiasis? Recurrent oral candidiasis is an oral […]

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Oilatum Soap Review in Kenya

This Oilatum Soap review in Kenya teaches you about its ingredients, benefits, availability and price. Oilatum Soap is manufactured by Psychotropics India Limited and marketed by GSK India. Oilatum Soap is one of the best bar soaps for eczema treatment and dry skin care in Kenya because it is an emollient cleanser. Oilatum Soap Composition […]

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Menopause Expert Doctor

At Almasi Skincare we have a resident Menopause Expert Doctor who offers online consultations for all your menopause related concerns. Our Menopause Expert Doctor is an experienced medical doctor who uses the non-hormonal treatment approach. As a practicing Holistic Menopause Doctor, she uses: *Food as medicine *Supplements *Lifestyle modifications *FDA approved non-hormonal medications to treat […]

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Cerave PM Facial Moisturising Lotion Review in Nairobi Kenya

This Cerave PM Facial Moisturising Lotion review in Nairobi Kenya teaches you about the ingredients, formulation, benefits and price of this awesome Cerave lotion. It can be purchased from our Nairobi Almasi Skincare Shop located on Moi Avenue, Sawa Mall, 3rd floor, Shop C15. WhatsApp +254 721 963 156 to order. We deliver countrywide/worldwide. Packaging […]

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ProStem Cel Dietary Supplement In Nairobi Kenya

This review about ProStem Cel dietary supplement in Nairobi Kenya teaches you about its ingredients, claims, benefits and side effects. ProStem Cel dietary supplement is a safe, natural, and organic nutritional supplement that is used by both men and women. It contains a unique blend of nutrients that is beneficial for maintaining healthy skin and […]

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Eczema Workshops Online

Almasi Skincare hosts monthly Eczema Workshops Online. These workshops are also for patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals who want learn how to manage eczema better. The eczema workshops are adapted for the following age groups: *Babies and children up to 5 years *Children from 6 years to 12 years *Teenagers *Adults Please let us know […]

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