Adult Acne Tips 3

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Adult acne tips part 3 contains Kenyan diet tips, skincare tips, hair care tips and stress management tips to help your treat acne and prevent breakouts.

Acne Diet Tips

Stop eating foods which are high in iodine like lobster, shrimp, crabs and other seafood as well as kelp, seaweed and spinach since they can trigger acne.

Start eating salmon, mackerel, sardines (omena) and other oily fish twice a week since they are good sources of omega 3 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and thus help reduce the inflammation of acne.

To learn more adult acne tips read Natural Adult Acne Treatment for Dietary Acne.

Acne Skincare Tips

When using skin care products packaged in jars, use a clean cotton ball to scoop them from the jar and apply them to your face instead of using your fingers since this reduces contaminating the product.

To learn more adult acne tips read Natural Adult Acne Treatment for Skincare Acne.

Adult Acne Tips 3

Acne Hair Care Tips

Do not allow your hair oils to trickle down your face and back when styling your hair as it contributes to the clogging of pores in the forehead.

To learn more adult acne tips read Natural Adult Acne Treatment for Hair Care Acne.

Acne Stress Management Tips

Manage work related stress by first identifying the source of your stress. To do this ask yourself, “What is stressing me? Is it the work overload, the low pay, the stunted career progress or personality conflicts?”

The next step is to negotiate with the relevant authorities and change whatever is stressing you. For example, you can talk to your supervisor about making some changes to your work load, pay, career progress or whatever is stressing you at your job.

If you cannot change your stressors, try and adapt to the situation by clarifying why you are working there. Is it to pay fees, buy a house or gain experience?

Then, focus on that goal and you may find that some of the problems will no longer bother you as much as they used to.

If you cannot change the stressors at your work place or adapt to them and you begin to develop stress related illnesses and eruptions, then look for another job elsewhere.

To learn more adult acne tips read Natural Adult Acne Treatment for Stress Acne.


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