Adult acne tips part 12 contains Kenyan diet tips, skincare tips, hair care tips and stress management tips to help your treat acne and prevent breakouts.
Adult Acne Diet Tips
Drink 1 cup of nettle tea each day since it has anti-androgen properties
To prepare nettle tea, steep 1 tablespoon of fresh nettle leaves or 1 teaspoon of dried nettle leaves in 1 cup of boiling water for 10 minutes and drink it once it cools.
To learn more adult acne tips read Natural Adult Acne Treatment for Dietary Acne.
Adult Acne Skincare Tips
Store your makeup brushes in their special bags to keep them from coming in contact with other items that may harbor a lot of bacteria like money and keys.
To learn more adult acne tips read Natural Adult Acne Treatment for Skincare Acne.
Adult Acne Hair Care Tips
If you suspect your hair care products are causing your acne breakouts, ensure that your conditioner does not touch your scalp by applying it to the hair strands only.
To learn more adult acne tips read Natural Adult Acne Treatment for Hair Care Acne.
Adult Acne Stress Management Tips
Engage in stretching exercises since they reduce tension in the muscles and thus enable a person to relax.
Therefore, stretch all your muscle groups each day while paying special attention to those muscles that you tense when you are stressed.
To learn more adult acne tips read Natural Adult Acne Treatment for Stress Acne.