Adult Acne Quiz

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Complete this Adult Acne Quiz so that you can discover what triggers or causes your acne.

1 Which one of the following best describes your situation?

A I get acne before my periods

B I get acne when I am stressed

C  I get acne when I eat dairy products like milk

D I get acne all month long

E I get acne after styling my hair

2 Which one of the following best describes your situation?

A I mainly get acne mainly around my chin and jawline

B I mainly get acne mainly around my forehead and nose (T zone)

C I mainly get acne mainly around my forehead and cheeks

D I mainly get acne mainly on my cheeks

E I mainly get acne mainly on my hairline and forehead

3 Which one of the following best describes your situation?

A I eat farmed beef, poultry and other meats almost every day

B I eat comfort food like chocolate and cakes when I am stressed

C  I eat sea food like lobster and shrimp almost every day

D  I use natural products with beeswax, cocoa butter, coconut oil or shea butter on my face

E  I use natural products with beeswax, cocoa butter, coconut oil or shea butter on my hair

4 Which one of the following best describes your situation?

A I have a lot of hair on chin even though I am a woman

B I pick my acne almost every day when I am stressed

C I eat sugary foods like sweets and chocolates almost every day

D I smoke cigarettes almost every day

E I style my hair with a fringe almost every day

5 Which one of the following best describes your situation?

A I get acne when I am pregnant

B I get acne after a stressful event

C I drink coffee almost every day

D I exercise while wearing makeup

E I shampoo my hair after washing my face

Adult acne quiz that helps you discover your triggers

Click here if your answers were mostly A

Click here if your answers were mostly B

Click here if your answers were mostly C

Click here if your answers were mostly D

Click here if your answers were mostly E

Adult acne quiz to help you discover your acne triggers

If your answers were a mixture of As, Bs, Cs, Ds and Es and you are not sure what triggers your acne, send an email to or consult our Acne Doctor in the clinic.

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