Acne News November 2019 is a compilation of some of the research and interesting blog posts about acne this month.

Itchy Acne
This article informs us that acne can be itchy according to this study and this study. It also tells us that itching in acne is usually due to the medications being used to treat the acne like benzoyl peroxide and retinoids as they can cause dryness of the skin. This itching can be relieved by using products of a lower strength or using them less frequently. Moisturizing the skin can also relive the itch. Developing an allergic reaction to the acne products is another cause of itchy acne and it may be accompanied by swelling and a burning sensation. To learn more about itchy acne click here.

Cortisone Shots for Acne
This acne news November 2019 article informs us that one can get a cortisone shot for acne if they have a large lesion before a social emergency like a wedding or if the acne cyst is getting bigger and more painful despite appropriate treatment or if it may leave a scar. Persons with cystic acne can also receive cortisone injections in new lesions to prevent them from becoming large cysts. Click here to learn more about this form of acne treatment. Almasi Skincare offers cortisone shots for acne. Email almasiskincare(at)gmail(dot)com to book your appointment.

Drinking Water for Acne Treatment
This article quotes a study which found that drinking 2 liters of water each day improved the skin’s hydration. It also quotes another study which found that dry skin can cause excessive oil production by the skin. It also explains several other ways in which drinking water is beneficial for acne treatment. To learn more click here.